A letter from an old friend

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Gaylen (POV)

Twelve years. This is not a long time for a Vedalken, 3 percent of their life span and yet it can last a lifetime. I caressed the ancient braid in my hair, the silver clasp had an engraved hellhound pouncing on a killer rabbit, the glowing yellow eyes on the hellhound was embedded with citrine. The bead was round, cracks forming at the two holes and peeling down the center in rivets. It felt like a small rotten apple that had been left out in the ribcages. I chuckled at the memory of Jorinn collapsing on the warm rocks, claiming something about being the perfect weather to bask in. As much as the kobold despised to admit it, she was closer to her reptilian ancestors than to us.

A bush that laid twenty degrees left of me rustled and my third arm grasped the staff of dread, a relic I had received for completing the dungeons of Vilar with Irt during our groups first split up. I took a step towards the bush and the rustling stopped. The forest grew tense, the only sound I could hear was my breathing, my eyes learned to look for any other threats that might try and ambush me. I looked up at the dusk filled sky, the purples mixed into the fading pinks as darkness fell overhead. A black dot appeared on my horizon and a tiny matted crow soared through the air, his jet black mass slammed into me as a petite elf thing sprung from the bush, eyes wide, the small child brandished a knife slashing it madly in the air, aiming for the half eaten bird.

Rainstopper squawked, his wings flapped as I guided him into the tree. The child slammed into the ground, groaning as they pushed themselves to their knees. Dispersing the staff I reached one of my left hands towards the feral thing. The child snarled, teeth brandishing as they lept forwards. I clenched one of their half pointed ears in my hand and pulled. The child shreiked in outrage, clawing at whatever they could reach. White hot pain flashed through me as the little beast bit me. Offended I shook the thing off of me, kicking them in the chest as I pulled my hand from their grasp. I rebrandished my staff and the child scrambled up the tree, hiding behind my little bird.

"Get down from there." I cast overwhelmed, I hoped that the thing would fall out of the tree and die, then I could interogate them in a more collected manner. The spell, which effected everyone with under 150 hit points had no effect on the creature. The kid just flashed yellow, not even flinching. Growling I pulled Rainstopper towards the child and cast decay touch, again the spell had no effect on the being. The child even began to pet the pecked out corvid, who cooed in appreciation at the gentle touch.

"Traitor" I thought along with several other curses that probably isn't appropriate in this company. I imagined ripping the spine from the little monster and cooking their flesh for dinner as their ghost screamed in agony. This was a great idea and should have more consideration. Or it probably wasn't the best laid plan, considering that I am 85 percent certain that this is Ura and Yamina fucking with us.

"Are you gay." I blinked and took a deep breath through my nose. I was going to kill this kid and then bring them back just to kill them again. Just because I wore a white cloack and expensive jewlery does not mean that I am gay. I am bisexual and the sterotyping would not stand. I summonded a squirrel, which lay dead several meters from us. I felt a wave of piping hot pain flash through me. The squirrel died of rabies, perfect. If the thing didn't already have rabies this would be the best way to get rid of it. And I wouldn't have to be near it when it died, sure Sadie would be dissapointed but she hasn't haunted me in a long time, claiming that I was no longer following a path that she could be led down. Still if the beast did haunt me then I wouldn't have to listen to Rainstopper tell me about what kinds of fancy coins he saw during his travels.

"Mr. Eeric sent a letter for you." The child ran a dirt covered hand through his feathers and Rainstopper moved from their lap to the kid's shoulder. Of course Eeric would send the most unkempt disgusting thing to carry a letter when Rainstopper visits him twice a week to deliver lunch to the moron. The child lept from the tree, their ears peaking through their greased covered hair. Now that I got to examine the kid I saw that this is exactly what Eeric would send as a carrier. They appeared to be in between 12 and 19 on the smaller side and had more resemblance to a skeleton than to a half elf. They wore a green tunic that was covered in grime and blood, with black stains scattered around the hem. Moving upwards their face held a wary stare that attempted to piece my soul. Their cheekbones had a fine layer of filth and their eyes were a peculiar amber, one that was strikingly similar to the high priestess that was after Eeric's ass for a prophecy or someshit. Back when we did merc work he would always hide from any elven folk in fear that they had connections to Triandor.

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