Necromancer and the Ranger

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                                    Cain (POV)
The man was built like a columnar tree, he was extremely tall and towered over the shrubs and the woodland animals that would dare cross our path. Still, he had weak knees and could be toppled over if the need arises. His extra arms would be a problem though. He used them to summon and disparate objects at will to cut down weeds. He could probably hold a ton of sticks in his arms and I can make him make a fire when the day sets again. A shiver set in as the frost-touched air swept through my day clothes. The tunic, forest green with beads from Ciri, was held together by time. Ciri wanted me to have clothes stating that it was "unkempt for someone so grand to have so little" and made my clothes. I miss Ciri. My mo-the high priestess Lady Anastasia Victoria Embrook did not want a bastard to take the life away from her son and made sure that there were no remains after the fire.

"You okay kid, you've been kinda quiet." The man brushed my hair back and scratched the base of my scalp. It felt nice but I will not show weakness to a predator. I lunged and the man picked me up with one of his stupid extra appendages and placed me at his side, stopping our walk.

"Okay, new rule, no biting good guys." He brushed a loose strand of white hair from his face, pulling the ponytail loose and retying it. His bottom two hands clasped one of my knives and the bird perched on the other. The bird squawked, his wings fluttering about, feathers coming loose from his skin. The man snapped his fingers and I lunged again, this time I was caught and shoved over his shoulder.

"Feral bit. I understand why Eeric and Ciri liked you." I stopped my assault on the man's back, my ear twitched and my shoulders scrunched up at the mention of Ciri. He was a good person and did not deserve what the Triandor court did to him. Eeric wasn't a good man but he was kind and made sure that I was protected on my travels. I sized the blue man up, he didn't seem to be a bad person but he wasn't good. His eyes were kind and his fingers twitched toward my hair but he just chuckled and continued. "They always were suckers for abused monsters that could be used against the masses."

Never mind he is going to die. Before I could continue my new quest of emasculating the blue man and wearing his teeth as a necklace, a twig broke. Normally this would have been fine but we were not in my forest and anything can live within these trees. The man, Gay something, plopped me on the ground, summoned his staff out of thin air, and pointed it in the direction of the noise. The crow, flesh torn and bones exposed, flashed towards the noise, its wings growing larger and larger until it was the size of a Roc and tore through the trees with his razor wings.

The old pines crashed into each other, falling towards the noise but stopping each other in their crash, making an arch shape between the trunks. The birds that hid in the tree screeched and the small rodents darted out of the undergrowth. The man shoved me behind him, I hit the ground with a thud, my back searing with pain as I rolled over, pulling out a stone knife, blade pointed towards the gaping hole in between the fallen trees. My heartbeat pounded in my ears, my eyes frantically searched for the not-so-little bird.

The man made a whistling sound and the bird circled, its beak could swallow my head in one bite. The man dug his staff in a circular motion, the ancient wood oozed black goo from the ceramic skull's eyes and dripped down the stick. The goo touched the ground releasing a sizzle, the once luscious grass turn dead, and a brown spot sat where green once was. The man thrust his staff forwards, the goo spread decaying everything that came in contact with it, the goo made contact with a wall and exploded, the goo spreading in a deadly aura, drying up and dismembering the grass around the beast.

The beast in question was a mound of thorns and vines that writhes around the orb-shaped mass. It held an assemblage of bleached yellow bones in the center of the mass with a hellish light gleaming in sickening orange waves from the empty sockets of its many skulls. Around the skulls laid buds of its putrid flowers, releasing a scent that reminded me of when one of the wolves in my pack got infected with the white goo and had to be slaughtered by our leader.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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