Chapter 8

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'Cas I'll see you tomorrow I'm leaving'. I said getting my keys 'what why? The party just getting started '. She says. 'Yeah but I'm tired and it's been a long day I'll see you tomorrow'. I said I can't deal with this drama right now I just need to go and get my mind right

I hugged her bye and left Mason ran to Cassie. 'Hey cas where Jasmine'. He says out of breaths 'she just left outside why?' She asked but then she quickly realized 'you like her don't yo!?' She says. '.what- no - but know what doesn't matter'. He likes Jasmine hut doesn't want to admit that that's embarrassing to him

'You know I'm right'. Cassie yelled and gets more champagne

He ran after me outside

I started walking
'. Your welcome'. He says. Behind me I turned to him 'what?' ' your welcome I saved you from photoboy '. He says. ' I didn't need saving to begin with
Now can you please get away from me and enjoy the party'. I said about to walk. Yo my car

He stood there.

' well you needed andi was there do your welcome'. Mason started to get anger at me I started to get annoyed with me

don't understand what you want from me Mason!" I yell at Mason
He annoys the hell out of me  and I  annoy him so  I  just don't understand why he won't leave me alone. "Damn it

Jasmine !" he shouts back. "Just leave me alone" I scream running out to the street where
it happens to be raining. " jasmine wait!" He runs after me "I can't believe you. You ignore me for this whole day acting like I'm a ghost but when I tired to help you I don't even get a thank ." He scream at me

soaked from the rain. I take a step closer to him pointing I finger into his chest "You aren't my boyfriend I didn't ask you do do that but you did and why does it matter if I ignored you, from my understanding you hate me remember?!" " fine Jasmine you wanna know why I did it the first place and why it matters!?'

He asked me .'Okay fine! Explain. Why do you care so much about me, huh?" I say to him. Silence. He doesn't say a word. I look at him disappointed, "that's what I thought when it comes to an actual adult conversation you can't even say a word ."

I turn to leave when he grabs my wrist and pulls me incredibly close to him. "Because I fucking love you jasmine , don't you see that?" He says breathing heavily I take at few seconds shocked. '. What?' I say disbelief there no way I look at him in confusion

' I have loved you since middle school, since prom since forever I can't hide it anymore I don't hate you I'm crazy for you your my everything your my Allison '. We are both soaked from the rain I'm still shocked '. Did you get that speech from chad'. I said. He started laughing 'kind of ' we both started laughing. ' can I think about it this is just so much'. I said he understands it's overwhelming to get this type of news. 'Yeah '. 'Well okay then I'll see you tomorrow I guess'. I said I walked to my car

I couldn't sleep Mason actually likes me.   He's cares about me but if we got together the press will get in the way of things I don't want that to happen because in fame the world knows everything and they also ruin everything for the worst

It's bad enough for then likely paparazzi witness that whole convo and that will be on every gossip blog and on famous weekly

I need sleep though been a very long day

On the tv
'.  Last night was the world premiere of the new roncom movie my everything,

Pictures of me in my pink dress on and a pic of me and Mason

' the duo locks incredible most people loved the movie already like famous model Cassie Anthony  she says in quote

' movie is amazing Jasmine did an amazing job and I almost  cried'

U FaceTime Cassie sue answers

'  Did you for real almost cried'
'.  Almost bro that shit emotional'
'Oh really what's emotional?'
'When the rain scene happened that shit had me '
' lol '.  I RuneScape the camera so she can see her face. '. Oo they got my good side'.   ' you always look good'.  I tuck my hair

'Aw thank you bestie'
'But bitch I got tea and I don't know what to do'
I explained everything that happened last night between me and Mason

'. I KNEW IT  ' she yelled
'. Cas chill'
' okay okay,  so what are you going to do though?'  She asked ' I don't know should I go out with him? Because if u do what if the press going to ruin it '  If I do what if it's get ruin and he's just pranking me so I look like a fool

'.  Just go for it what's the worst that can happen'
She's right I'll go on a date see if there's something there and go from there '. Go get your skinny white boy'
I started laughing
And hang up

At Mason house
I knocked on the door
'. Hey how are yo-' I cut him off
'. The answer is yes I'll go out with you'

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