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James pov,

After breakfast tristan and aura had gone out to the garden, mom and me had walked down to the lake to the cabin we were sorting for tristan, on our way back to the house we saw aura and tristan asleep on the grass. I went to pick up tristan as mom picked up aura, I look down to see tris looking up at me 'sleep tris' I say kissing his forehead. We carried them both inside and up to our room, we layed them on the bed so they could rest. I laid down with them as the slept, I could tell they were both exhausted, i slept until I heard a gentle knock at the door, I get out of bed and open the door.

I see mom standing at the door with a tray of food, I welcome her in and we sit down by the window, about 15 minutes later tris waked up and walks over to join us 'hi' he says 'how are you feeling' mom asks, 'rested, I needed that after last night' he replies 'what happened' I ask. Tristan explains how she kept waking up during the night and how she was little, refusing to listen to what he was saying.

Tristans pov

We had been sat chilling and chatting when I feel an arms round my neck and someone kiss my neck, I look to see aura , she kissed James before comming round to give her mom a hug. 'Hi' she says, I pat the space between  James and myself 'hey pet, how are you feeling' I ask 'I'm okay, I'm not sure what happened'. 'What do you mean?' I ask. 'The last thing I remember is being down at the lodge and that's it.'

Although we had talked to her about it I think she forgot. We cuddled whilst looking out of the window. 'Tristan you come with me please, I would like to show you something' mom asks 'sure' I reply, I pass aura to James before following mom out.

She leads me out side walking through the garden to a cabin by the lake, 'this is for you son' she says, 'a bit of personal space so if you need to relax you can come here whenever you wants' 'thank you mom' I reply hugging her 'this is beautiful'. She shows me round the bedroom overlooks the lake and its so peaceful.

We are sat on the deck when we hear James shouting 'Aura, aura come back here' we rush of the deck to see aura's wolf running towards us, when she reached me she jumps ups knocking me on the floor licking my face. 'Aura off tristan' james says pulling her off me. Leading up the path back home.

After dinner it was getting late 'trissy up' Aura said to me, she had become little again, I pick her up and place her on my lay, 'hey petal you okay' I ask, she nods snuggling into my shoulder, 'are you tired' I ask 'no' she replies before yawning, 'I think you might be. Come on let's go to bed' I stand up and say goodnight to the others before taking her to her room and trying to place her in her bed, she grips hold of me 'trissy stay' 'okay' I reply lying down with her.

During the night we go through the same routine of her waking up during the night. This repeats for a whole week and I feel so tired and drained. I tell mom I'm heading down to the cabin, and laying down instantly falling asleep ,  I wake up and see it is the next day, I walk into the kitchen to see a not on the table 'I saw you asleep, so I have left some food in the fridge for you. - mom'. I walk over to the fridge to get some food out. 

After eating I get out my laptop, notebook and pen and a drink and take it to the table on my deck. I begin to research about this rare moon that is comming and make a note on what it says.

It begins to say that only some wolves are affected by this moon some worse than others, it makes them display irrational behaviour.  I read each part making notes.


Wolves who display playfull nation will think everything is a game, they can jump on people's back, play fight with others, very active.


Leading up to the moon wolves will become very protective and territorial about people and spaces. They can in the final week, refuse to leave their mate wanting to be with them every second.


In the weeks leading up to the moon the wolf will repeatedly challenge dominance, if they are not the alpha, the alpha will have to remain strong, repeatedly telling them to submit


When mating you will have to do it 3 times.
1st both as humans
2nd male as wolf and female as human
3rd both wolf

On the 2nd and 3rd time the male must mark his female.

This moon is next month.

I call mom and ask her to meet me at the cabin so I can show her what I found.  When she arrives we sit down and I talk her through what I have found.

We walk back home, to see auras wolf sitting on the front steps, when she sees us she bounds over to us nudging our legs playfully. 'Heya girl' I say scratching her ear, causing her tail to wag so much it hits our legs.

At the end of the evening I take aura to bed, tonight she doesn't wake up as much, but I am sudden awoken to loud banging, I look and see aura is not in her bed but I can see her running up and down the corridor as a wolf, I get out of bed to chase after her to try and get her back to bed, I see her at the top of the stairs. As soon as she see me she darts out of the way and I end up falling down the stairs.

I lay there unable to move, I hear a door being banged on upstairs, another being slammed open down stair, in and out of being awake is see James and mom running towards me, aura still as a wolf following, as I'm laying there she tries to nussel my arm to get under me. Her mum pulls her back 'Go to your father' she orders aura. She hesitates 'go!!!' That time she bounds up the stairs to her parents room.

'Tristan' I hear her say 'Tristan son, are you okay' I try to sit up but mom and James tell me to not move. I don't  remember much more before I blacked out.

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