when you have period cramps! | all 🍂

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readers pronouns: she.her

type: literal headcanons(short), fluff, comfort, x reader, romantic !

quick note: involves cursing, but not much!! i'm also trying a new format while writing! you'll find out when you read, lol! also, im sorry if you don't get bitchy when you're on your period, i just do...soooo i'll try not to make the reader mad....keyword: try :')



doesn't really know too much about period cramps. you tell him what's been bothering you after he asks because you've been all moody and in a bad mood since the morning.

when you say 'i'm on my period you dipshit!' he left you alone because he could see how upset he's making you, but when he tries to walk away you sob for him to come back. 

"kay, i guess you don't need me to cuddle because you and your grumpy butt can cuddle yourself.." he gives you that smug smirk everyone knows and loves when he hears your voice just before he leaves your room,

"nooooo! dohon't leave mehe, im shohrry!!"

he sometimes goes to donnie for help and after his twin brother explains what periods are, he's at first kinda disgusted but got used to it. 

he cuddles you and sits on the bed with you as he gently places a heating to your stomach as you lean into his plastron as you two watch cartoon movies. 


knows you're on your period when he sees you in your room, cuddled under the blankets and sheets as you munch on some ice cream.

 he at first does nothing about it because it's natural for females to have periods....but when you start getting all grumpy and moody towards him he'll start speaking up.

he gets you being grumpy to his other brothers when they annoy you, but he's done nothing but give you your space, leave the poor dude alone!

"y.n, can you pass the-"

"get it yourself, you lazy a$$!"

"that's the fifth time you've said that to me today, y.n..."

when he snaps back at you, you at first keep your stern face when he tells you to leave the lab, but once you do you're a sobbing mess...causing the soft-shell turtle to hear and come out minutes later with a sad smile. he offers the idea of ice cream for dinner and your eyes beam with happiness

he tries his best, but he's not the best at cuddles or comfort.


being the older brother means he's bound to know when someone having a bad day...he also found out when you screamed at leo for eating the leftovers you were saving, causing him to question your upsetting mood.

you tried to explain to him that you were on your period, but he has very little knowledge about periods because april has hers, but she doesn't really get all grumpy she tends to just complain about her cramps and stays inside most of the time.

he doesn't want to upset you so he normally now knocks when he's about to enter your room, or he gives you this soft, baby-like talk when speaking to you. 

"ohh...hey, baby..uhm, i reeeally don't mean to bother you, but april's mom made you some chicken soup she would make april when she's on her period and asked me to bring it to you! she also packed some extra tampons and pads for you...i was also able to steal some of mikey's halloween candy just for you..."

"aw, raph..are you serious? you didn't have to do any of this!"

he tells you he'll do anything to make you feel better, and offers to watch some jupiter jim movies with you, or just cuddle with you.

he may not be the best at understanding periods, but he tries to make you feel better and comforts you when you're upset or mad.


he was actually a bit too scared to talk to you when you suddenly started snapping at people when they annoyed you. he didn't want to do anything to anger you, so when you're away he would do what he does, but when he sees you he freezes.

 you notice the sudden change in attitude he gives you when he sees you, so you decided to confront him and when he said he was scared you'd get angry at him...all you did was chuckle lightly as you explained to him you were just on your period.

peri-what now?

you told him it's something all females sometimes go through and it's totally normal.


would be his reaction, but he doesn't say it in a rude way, he's just honestly surprised. when he sees you having cramps, you're on the couch or his/your bed as you have your knees to your chest as your arms are wrapped around your torso, soft sobs escape your lips and he's quick to bombard you with hugs and kisses.

he also does this dumb thing where he tells you to lay flat on your back and he'll roll your shirt up-respectfully-stopping near your ribs and kissing your tummy.

that causes you to giggle in his grasp and your tears turn into tears of laughter when he gets more into the kisses and starts to actually tickle you.

he's a sweetheart and just wants to see you smiling...not worrying about your stupid cramps!

april o'neil

shes a girl too..she gets you! she understands the pain and frustration you go through! which is why she's your go-to gal when your upset over anything!

need pads? she's got'chu!

tampons? her room, bottom drawer of her desk.

need chocolates? she's already at the store, what kind you craving?

want her presence and cuddles? she's a phone call away, and she'll always pick up the phone unless she's in trouble...when is she never?!

her mom also helps with the food when you get hungry. she'll make you some soup at serving it to you in april's room where you and she will be chilling and gossiping about your friends and school. (by friends i mean the turtles and your in real life friends!)

she does whatever she can to get your mind off the cramps, but if they go to bad to the point you're on the verge of tears, she's by your side in a split second, your body snuggled up to hers on the ground s you sob in her shoulder as she whispers sweet nothings in your ear. 

"hey, babygirl...don't let these stupid cramps get in the way of your amazing time with me! your strong, you can overcome this! you seriously gonna let a cramp make you cry like this? if so, you are not the y.n l.n i know and love to pieces!"

you love april and how she's able to deal with you and your grumpy states! as stated before, she's a girl too, she goes through exactly what you're going through!

seeing you smiling is all she needs from you, nothing more.

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