me and you | donnie x GN!reader 💋

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❥ reader's pronouns: they/them

❥ type: fluff , oneshot , 

❥ warnings: none i don't think ! and this was also written on my phone so typos may be seen , LOL , this also may be short ☹


the lights were dim and your apartment window was just open for a small breeze to enter the home. you walked into the living room after coming back from the kitchen with two hot drinks for you and your loving turtle soulmate that sat on your bed.

" one black coffee for a special someone has been served ! " you giggle as you handed the teenager his cup, smiling as he took it. " thank you, dove. you always know what i like. "

you sat down beside him as you crossed your legs over each other once more. " how can you like black coffee? what , is it as dark and bitter like your soul? " you joked causing the turtle to look back at you with a offended face experssion. " scoff. i do not have a dark and bitter soul, i'd like to say it may be bitter but never dark! "

" one time you threaten to tell Mikey that both the tooth-fairy and santa claus weren't real..i'd say thats pretty dark, D. " you pointed out, taking a quick sip of your drink.

" well he's almost fifteen now, L/N. he'll have to know eventually and it's better me telling him then Leo, he would have spilled the beans when he was three, not even two. "

you giggled softly as you took your F/C blanket and covered it over your legs as you both went silent. you gave Donnie some of the blankets when you now rested your head on his shoulder.

" why are you so cold ? " you asked suddenly and the soft-shell turtle's eyebrow cocked up as you spoke , " im a turtle , dove. what were you expecting ? " he asked with a soft smile as you pulled away from him and gave him a ' well duh ! ' look before opening your arms.

no one has ever done that to him , so Donnie sat beside you looking at you with udder confusion. " is that supposed to warm me up ? " you chuckled as you shook your head , " noho ! this is ! "

Donnie lets out a ' ommfpt ' as you jumped onto him , his soft shell hits the cushion of the couch. he paused for a moment while you got comfortable on top of him.

you weren't wrong , he was starting to get warmer by the second due to your body heat. your head was snuggled into his plastron and you let out a dreamy sight while you felt his breaths rise and lower every second.

" i know your not a hugger ... but i feel like the moment needed this ... dont'cha think ? " you smiled softly , lifting your head to lock eyes with Donnie.

thank god he put his cup down when he did because when ypu jumped at him he got scared and panicked throwing his arms in the air.

" you are warm ... " he replied , his snout resting against your hair that was soft and fluffy. you giggled at his response and placed your head back on his plastron.

you sighed , your eyes getting heavy as time went on. suddenly your eyes shut , drifting off to a nice slumber in a cozy , arm atmosphere.

Donnie soon noticed your sleeping figure when he felt your breathing go slow and calm. he couldn't help but comb your hair with his fingers. both of your legs were tangled together when he slowly tossed his head back and closed his eyes , taking in on this moment he wished would never end. 

𝙈𝙔 𝙊𝙉𝙇𝙔 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀 | various!rottmnt x readerWhere stories live. Discover now