Emblem Charge

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Veil Of Greed: Hunt For The Numbers!

Chapter 16: Emblem Charge

Date: November 11th, 2022

Pmurt Nedib appears before Dragold and Triple Gillusion: "Ah, I see that you have adjusted to your new powers well. Sorry it took so long to return. I have had too many disruptions in my business ventures to take care of lately. But that's okay because it's time for our revenges to come into play." Dragold replies: "Just get this taken care of. Revenge has become my only goal. Once it is achieved, I will be king again." Gillusion adds: "Ryoma will be under my control again. Release us to Earth, we are ready to begin our revenge." "Just a minute. I must tell you some things first so please listen. If I have to repeat myself, my shareholders will get impatient and we can't have that, can we? I will be sending my employee Yappa Yappa to your world too. It'll be much easier to crush everyone who will stand in our way if Yappa Yappa's role in my plan works perfectly. A individual known as Swiftdrawer will come to your world and try to help stop you. But Yappa Yappa will kill him, making it that much harder for you to be defeated. After all, he is well aware of what you two did before you ended up here. Gillusion, you tried so hard to control others to rule Crestland. I have set things up perfectly there for you recently. It's unfortunate that you were destroyed instead of sealed away. The Golden Dragon machines are ready for your use and some of my employees are there on standby. Dragold, some of those machines are below the WBMA headquarters. And again, some of my employees are in West City on standby. There are more surprises too. You'll find out later."

"Is that all? Ryoma will be mine to control once again!" "Yes. The portals are opening now. You go in the left one. Dragold, you go in the right one. I'll see you again after you win. This plan will work perfectly." *Hours later, Swiftdrawer's POV* "Damn it. I underestimated Yappa Yappa! I should have just gone with my Artist deck instead of my decoy but still good deck." "Adam! Get ready to be pummeled! Now that I have removed your Kachi Kochi Dragon from play, you're going to lose this action speed duel! Overcharged Cruel Titan, finish him off for me! Stabbing Stab! After that, I'm killing you and your annoying flying horse, Adam!" I have no cards in my hand nor any traps out. I should have known. This deck often gets destroyed in Duel Links. I had a Kachi Kochi Dragon on my field with 3 copies of Power Of The Guardians equipped. The first time I attacked with the Xyz monster, their attack points rose from 2100 to 3600 due to those spells. Additionally, if Kachi Kochi Dragon were to be destroyed, I could just remove one counter from one of those spells to prevent that. When a monster equipped with Power Of The Guardians is involved in battle, that monster gains 500 attack points after the spell gains a counter. However, Yappa Yappa activated a trap to banish Kachi Kochi Dragon anyway before damage calculation upon the monster comrade's 2nd attack during the battle. There was nothing in my deck that could help me counter that. I know it inside and out.

And now, I'm getting hit with a direct attack while riding Herbsalvin. Big mistake. Upon getting attacked, the impact is devastating. "Adam! Are you okay? I'm losing stability and altitude fast!" "No I'm not! This really hurts! The damage is so real! I wish I could have convinced him to just use stationary augmented reality technology developed in Heartland City. But he insisted! Damn it!" It doesn't take much longer to hit the ground because Herbsalvin loses control of their wings. We are sent plummeting at a rate of 9.8 meters per second squared. The gravitational force of many Earths, including the one we're on. I never thought going to Crestland would be this bad of an idea. We should have stayed together. Just before I black out, I hear Yappa Yappa say: "Good! You're perfectly crushed and defeated! Finally, I can kill you after all of these months of humiliation! I'm going to enjoy slowly killing you and having fun while I'm at it! It's going to be the best killing ever! I'm so disgusted that you have survived me this long and jealous that you killed me even though I haven't killed you yet!" But then I hear something I never expected to: "B-shots! Ready! Aim! Fireblast!" "Let the waves crash down, Ultimate Rising Dracyan!" "Light the blaze, Ultimate Drive Garuburn!" "Take them to the bullet! Go, Detonate Wolg!" "With pinpoint precision. Stinger, unleash the swarm!" "Noooo! Master ordered me to leave if this happened! I'll kill you all someday, just you wait!" I black out after that.

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