Only the beggining<3 - Part 1

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Hello this is the start of my story/fan fiction!! hope you enjoy it!<3 anyway theres probably going to be alot of LGBTQ+ in this☺️<3 (not my art)

Gus's pov:
Its been 3 weeks since me and mattholomule have been helping out at the graveyard building on the defences and stuff. I'd like to say we've become good friends over time, but im not entirely sure on his behalf... I hope he does think of me as his friend though!
My thoughts were interrupted by a loud knocking on my bedroom door. It was my dad greeting me, "Breakfasts ready!" he exclaims gleefully. I jump up and sprint down the stairs, almost falling on the way down. As i walk into the kitchen i see a stack of scare cakes (pancakes) glazed with syrup, which my dad had recently discovered from the human realm.
"Morning dad, these look delicious!" i say drooling. "Good morning gus, i hope they taste nice i took more than 10 minutes making them!" he noted smiling.
I took a big bite out of the one at the top of the stack and i felt my face grow a large grin. "These are so yummy!!" I screamed to my dad. He made a thankful look towards me. I quickly ate my breakfast remembering i was supposed to meet matty at the market so we could walk together to the graveyard.
I finished getting ready and left the house feeling excited but... nervous?... at the same time. Im not sure why i feel this way but i brush it off and carry on my walk to the market.
After about 5 minutes of walking (the market is quite close to his house) i spot matty leaning against a wall in the distance. When i get slightly closer to him i start to run towards him, "Matty!!" i scream. "Finally, i was waiting for ag-". I cut him off by squeezing him into a hug. "Alright, thats enough." He pushes me away slightly, i notice his ears have a slight pink hue on the tips of them but i dont take any notice to them. "Sorry for keeping you waiting matty." i say apologetically. He shrugs and says "Its fine ig but just don't let it happen again." I giggle a little as he quickly turns around and tell me to come on.
As we are walking through the forest towards the graveyard i keep glancing at matty and notice he always seem to be looking at me at the same time too. Whenever i look at him back he turns his head the opposite way and pretend it didn't happen.

Mattholomule's pov:

Dang it. Why do i keep staring?? Its not like i care anyway. We accidentally touch hands whilst walking, "oh- sorry matty!" gus apologises with a cute smile... Wait- CUTE?! Did i just say his smile was cute?!?? Nuh uh!! He is not cute i'm just tired...Yeah tired...
After arriving at the graveyard, we discuss our ideas for traps and defences for a while. When we finished and had a plan we got to work right away.
As we were busy, sometimes i would catch myself off guard as i find myself staring at gus. Stop!! Why am i like this?? I don't like him!! We were barely friends. I calm myself by using the breathing exercise gus taught me once when i was angry at someone at school. Gus walks over to me as he finishes what he was doing, "Matty i've finished so im going to go chill under that tree over there." I nod as he smiles and walks to the tree. I feel my face and ears warm up and feel my ears start to twitch. "Crap!!" i whisper yelled hoping gus didn't see nor hear me.
Just before i finished, i glanced back to where gus was chilling to see he had fallen asleep against the rough, darkly coloured wood. I try to hold back a small smile as i go back to concentrating on what i was doing. A few moments later, i finished up and walked over to the tree gus is at. Wait- i've just realised that i have been referring to him as 'gus'. Why was i calling Augustus that? Whatever...
As i reach where Augustus slept, i sat down beside him before slightly nudging him trying to subtly wake him up. He slowly turns his head towards me, i then realise how close our faces were. I fluster as i pounce back "Ah- S-sorry augustus!" i exclaimed. He chuckles, "its completely fine matt, i didn't mean to startle you." he replied. He called me matt? I thought he usually called me matty? Not like i care or anything... Just that it was kind of unusual. I calm down a bit as my face cools down from being a flustered mess. Flustered? why was i flustered? eh- never mind.

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