The sleepover<3 - Part 5

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-Hi! I'm posting 2 parts at the same time ahh!! So much work but i wrote a lot in a notebook because i got my phone taken away for a few hours ig but i got it back and i'm writing it all up now luv u<3

3rd person?:

When the weekend finally came, it was 7am on the Saturday and Gus had just woken up.

Gus's pov:

I sit up in my bed rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I sit on my bed for a few minutes before remembering that i am going to the sleepover today. I squeal as i leap out of bed and rush to pick out an outfit and pack my bag. It takes me about 10 minutes to get dressed and finish packing. I walk down stairs to meet my dad in the kitchen. "Morning dad! I'm going to the sleepover at 11am by the way!" I notify him. "That's fine bud!" he answers while flashing me a bright smile as i sit down to eat my griffin eggs he had placed on the table for me. I smile back at him before starting to eat my griffin eggs sort of quickly, as it is now 8am, even though i still had 3 hours until 11am. After i finished eating, i washed my plate and thanked my dad before rushing upstairs. I'm not sure what to do to pass the time but i decide to practice my illusions. I draw a circle in the air with my finger and 'poof!' a life sized illusion of Mattholomule appears, with a slight blue tint though. He just looks at me smiling and when i realise what had happened i feel my face get quite hot and i go to look in the mirror and see that my face has turned a bright red. I turn around quickly and hurry over to the Mattholomule illusion and waft it away. I took a sigh of relief as i noticed i had successfully made it disappear. I then began to have a lot of thoughts rush over me. Why do i feel nervous and fuzzy around him? Do i like him? I don't even know anymore..

Matt's pov;

I wake up and reach for my scroll to check the time. Crap! Its 9am, Gus will be here in only 2 hours!! I jump out of bed and rush over to grab my clothes i had set up the night before. I quickly change in the bathroom and brush my teeth, i rush out through the door back into my room. 9:20am. I grabbed a small black backpack to use for the sleepover, i started to shove my sleepwear and clothes for the next day in at a slow pace as i realised i was almost ready and actually still had a while.
After packing, i open my scroll for a little and go onto penstagram. I scroll through the recommended feed and i see one of Gus's photos, my brain automatically likes it. Uh oh. I can't just unlike it what do i do?! Calm down Mattholomule, he probably won't notice anyway!.. "Titan.." i sigh.
I click off of penstagram and turn my scroll off. I go to place it in my desk when i get a notification, from Gus. Oh titian. To my surprise it's actually not a message or dm it's a like? I click onto it and it says 'Gus has liked your photo' I flush a little as i read the small sentence. I go to see the pic he liked, it might be one that's not me anyway!. I stare at my scroll's screen as i realise what photo he had liked. It was a selfie i had taken when i was walking to Gus's house this one time and a demonfly (butterfly idk i made it up😭) had landed on my shoulder. I felt slightly confident then, i was smiling with my teeth. I had usually not shown my teeth as i was self conscious about my tooth gap, but i was too happy i was going to Gus's house. I smile as i remember that day, why would he like this photo? Whatever..
After an hour passes and it's around 10:30am, i make sure everything i was going to bring was ready and in my bag or my pockets. Gus was going to be here in 30minutes. I think i have done when i realise i hadn't brushed my hair, so i rush over to the bathroom sink and pick up my comb. I neatly brush my messy bed hair and make sure it looks well- presentable? I get to a place where it looks okay and decide to stop before i ruin it. I look at my clock ,as i took awhile on my hair, and notice it was 10:55am. I had 5minutes left. I feel my face flush a little as i think about Gus. "Fine.." i sigh, "i like Gus, now i can stop doubting myself all the time.." i whisper under my breath. I am only saying this as it is even clear to me that i may like Gus in as a crush.. I feel safe and comfortable around him, and i feel like i can tell him anything and everything! Well- apart from my feelings towards him that is.
My thoughts are interrupted as i hear a knocking from the front door down stairs. My parents are out due to work and my brother too, so i'm the only one at home. I run down the stairs and grab the door handle and pull it forward to reveal a grinning Gus.
"Hey Matty!" he exclaims. "Hey, want to come in?" i ask nervously. "Sure!" he responds. He walks into the house as he looks around in curiosity. I shut the door behind him and motion him to come ip the stairs to my room. I head up first as he follows close behind. I open the door to my room and let him inside, "Woah, your room is cool Matty!" Gus says. "T-thanks i guess.." I stutter. Dang it why did i stutter?! Titan, that was embarrassing.. "Oh! May i sit down?" He politely asks me. "Yeah, of course you can sit on my bed if you'd like." i suggest. He smiles at me as a thank you and places himself on the end of my bed. "So what would you like to do?" i ask. "Hm, well I'm not quite sure but i can only think of like a game or something?" He answers. "Sure we can play a game i guess, a board game or something like would you rather?" I question. "Board game! Board game! Board game!" He chants. "Alright, alright we'll play a board game." i sigh and smile as i walk away to find the Human board games i had collected from the H.A.S club. (idk as gifts??😭)
After we had set up a game called 'Monopoly' and had read the how to play sheet we started the game.
After an hour of playing, we decided to finish up. "How did you get 50,000 cash?!?! IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?!" i screech. "Maybe i'm just too good." He smirks at me. I glare at him whilst rolling my eyes. "Well, anyways what now?" I ask. "Uhmn, we could get food since it's 12?" Gus suggests. I nod and motion him to cone down to the kitchen. As we are walking down the stairs i almost trip forward but gus grabs onto my wrist. "Whoa Matty! Careful, you're lucky i caught you!" He exclaims. I flush a little as i gain my balance back, "Uhm- yeah thanks whatever." I stutter. We both make it to the kitchen where i pull out some griffin eggs from the fridge and get a pan out ready. "Griffin eggs are fine right?" I ask. "Yep they're fine!" Gus exclaims whilst sitting at the table and turning on his scroll.
10 minutes later, after i have made the griffin eggs i plate them up and head over to the table where Gus was eagerly waiting. "Oo!! They look yummy!" He squeals. "We'll i hope they are." I respond. I place the plates down infront  of both of us and Gus almost immediately starts eating, "WHOA!! These are so good Matty!!!" He says with his mouth full. "Thanks, Gus." I reply. We quickly eat the eggs and after i clean the plates and the table before we both head back upstairs to my room again.
"What should we do now it's 1pm and we go to Luz's house at 2pm?" Gus questions. "Well, we could.. uhm.. i don't know to be honest?" I answer. There is a little silence before Gus perks up, "Oh! Well i could show you some of my illusions and maybe you could show me some of your construction!" He suggests. I nod as there was nothing else to do anyway. We both sit down on my bedroom floor carpet, "Okay ill go first and then you have to see if you can make it out of concrete is that alright?" He says making sure i agree. "Yeah seems alright to me." I say. Gus closes his eyes and makes a small blue circle in the air with his finger, after a couple seconds a mini version of him shows up. I blush at the fact it is tiny and cute..AH! I- uhm cute?? psshhh i didn't say that! haha.. "Matty? Are you ready?" Gus asks. I snap out of my thoughts i realise he spoke. "Oh! U-uh yeah!" I stutter. I make a small yellow circle in the air as concrete rises from the floor and a mini statue of Gus shows up. "Awww! Thats adorable!" He squeals. I flush a little at his little squeal he finished his sentence off with. "Your illusion is really cool too!" I say. "Aw thank you Matty!" He says as he leans in the to give me a hug. I hug him back and both let go after a few seconds.
We both take it in turns showing each other our abilities and soon enough it is 2pm! So we get all our stuff together and walk out of the house.

-Thank you all for the support sorry i have been quite busy with school lately and haven't really been motivated but i finally finished! Love you all<3

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