starting over- a true restart

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When Nagito opened his eyes he was in the ward again everything would be the same as before so when he left the ward he went to the church
Hajizuru and sonia were talking
Hajizuru confessed and she accepted
And then they got married but afterwards she died in his arms
he was there watching from a far but even from a distance he could hear what he was thinking
how could I lose her again? it was too soon I'm cursed-will I ever be happy with her? could my true love be someone else? Yes- I'm right here- he tried to reach out, but he couldn't
No, my true love is sonia no one else
he felt his heart break again- of course he doesn't love me- Nagito realized he didn't remember who he was they had a past together, but Hajizuru didn't remember -but he did he remembered everything that happened between them
and he was reliving it all over again he was in the past again- and he knew that he had to play along, and he would get his zuri back he went to look for sonia and found her again and she smiled at him
"Hey Nag-" she replied
his eyes widen she remembered?!
"You remember?!" he replied
"Yep, how could I forget about my favorite cousin?" she replied
"I'm your only cousin?" he replied
"Yeah, that's why you're my favorite-" she replied
"Alright sonia tell me what do you remember?" he replied
"hmm-just about everything-I think? I had a wife her name was syoko-" she replied
so, she still remembered
"Yeah, I remember you telling me you had a wife, and she was very close to your heart, but you didn't tell me her name before"
he knew that this was the timeline where it was much closer to the original and was fooled to believe it was real until the end in the other one thing were different
such as sonia being a vampire and taller than them and Hajizuru remembered him
but only thought they were friends and then he ran away and ran into Malik
and he ran away from him and that was how everything started
he remembered being fooled by him, but he agreed to stay with him
and to love him but he ended up with Hajizuru again  the one who had married him
or so he thought that wasn't real either it was an illusion Malik created
everything started over it, and it felt real but of course It wasn't just another Illusion Malik created but then he met malik again he couldn't believe what he was shown but it was true he always ended up with Malik in the end
he did ask for Hajizuru back in the end twice
the first timeline he was going to stay with him, but he ended up changing his mind because he was the reason that things didn't work out between them and the second time, he wanted
Hajizuru back he told him that he had choose him and he couldn't believe that
but it was true in two other timelines he decided to stay with him and didn't change his mind it was because he didn't want to be hurt again and he had told him that if he didn't want to be hurt again then wasn't it better to choose him?
so, in the next timeline he ended up choosing him and he was happy to be with him but then everything started over again and he ended up choosing him again
but this time was different because he now had Hajizuru's soul
and he felt regret
but he still chose him and that's why he had to tell him that he was the reason things ended between them and he wanted to be with Hajizuru but then he ended up choosing him again because he showed him what happened and then he showed him again and he couldn't believe it and malik told him the truth once again and he listened this time and he want to choose him again but he knew that Hajizuru needed him and this Malik loved him and he had loved him too but he threw away his feelings for Hajizuru and he didn't deserve that and that was what Malik was trying to tell him but he didn't listen it was good thing he listen this time
but was it really the right choice? Malik didn't deserve to be alone either, but he chose to listen to Malik this time, so Hajizuru was his goal
"Nag hey are you alright?" Sonia asked
"Yes, I'm good I just was thinking about-" he replied he couldn't finish the sentence since he didn't know how to reply
"There is someone else you love but you can't be with him because you have to be with the other one who you loved-because you hurt him and he didn't deserve that and he was the one who made you realize that and you also hurt him and you wish you could be with him, but you have to do what is right and that is staying with Hajizuru and you believe that?" she replied
his eyes widened
"How do you know that?!" he shouted
"Because I read your soul it is similar to reading minds, but I do not get the exact info such as names or other things you may be thinking-" she replied
"So should I go after Hajizuru?" he replied
"Yes, that is your goal, isn't it? and do you want to hurt him again?" she replied
"No, I want to love him again-" he replied
"Then you will-" she replied
"Thank you, sonia-" he replied
"for what?" she replied
"for being here for me and not getting mad at me-" he replied
"that's what I'm here for Nag I'll always be here for you I'm your big sis- even though we're cousins-" she replied
"Yeah, I know and I'm glad" he replied

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