Accepting a demon's love

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thank you for choosing
Malik route- Accepting a demon's love
Nagito turned his head to Malik
right of course it was the obvious choice
he had come back here for him
wasn't going to pass this opportunity up
he loved Malik and he needed to tell him
he shouldn't have to go through everything again
he loved Malik and Malik loved him
he had to forget Hajizuru - he went over to the demon
"Malik-" he replied
Hajizuru's eyes widen he felt his heart shatter
Malik smirked
"ha- so you choose me Nag again- you just like choosing me huh? but why? I really don't understand you Nag- and Zuri came all this way for you the poor man- do you really like breaking his heart over and over again?-"
Nagito took a deep breath
"I choose you- because- I wanted to choose you I came back for you- because- I never told me that I- love you-" he replied
he wanted to say those words for so long
Malik's eyes widen he didn't expect him to say it and it hurt so much-
"you-truly- mean it? you're not saying it because you feel pity for me?" Malik replied
"I do Malik- I wanted to say it for so long-
I promise you that I would love you and I do very deeply- it was hard to admit because I didn't want to hurt Zuri again- but, it's time I moved on right? that's why I chose you he is my past and you are my future-" he replied
"I guess you're right- but are you sure you're making the right choice?-" Malik replied
"Yes I choose you for a reason I love you Malik-" he replied
"I love you too Nag-" Malik replied
"I love you Mai-" he replied
Malik froze that Name where had he heard it before?
"what did you just call me?" Malik replied
"Mai- you remind me of a yellow flower-" he replied
tears came down Malik's cheeks
a memory he buried deep down
the Truth about Malik and Nagito's Past
Malik and Nagito once were soulmates
and he remembered Nagito saying
those exact words- before he died in his arms
he had lost Nagito countless times
he had to give it up- he didn't want to hurt anymore he Changed fate for a reason
he completely erased Nagito's memories of them
callus looked up at him confused
"Nag-why- why- did- you have to choose me again?!-" Malik Sobbed
"because I love you-" he replied
"I- know-Nag-I know you do- of course you came back to me-" Malik replied
"of course I did- what's wrong Mai?" He replied
"please-don't call me that- it hurts- it hurts so much-" Malik replied
"why? I didn't mean any harm-" he replied
"I know that Nag- I've always loved you- but it hurt so much losing you again and again, so I gave you to him- I was your true soulmate-" Malik replied
Nagito's eyes widen
but he felt as if those words were true
and his heart told him that-
"I guess fate isn't what it seems- you're the one meant for me-" he replied
"ha- it really isn't- I never expected that you would come back to me- but it makes me happy- and I'm truly sorry for everything Nag-" Malik replied
"you ruined things between me and Zuri for two reasons because you loved me and you also loved him- I don't think I forgot about that- and I love you both- you both are my past
but at the same time you are also both my future-" he replied
"so then you'll go back to him? after I just got you back?" Malik replied
"No I'll stay with you but if I could I would be with you both and in a way I already was
so I'm happy with that-" he replied
"I'm glad Nag- and I'm never going to let you go again-" Malik replied
"me either-" he replied
leaning in kissing him passionately
Malik was taken off guard by that
but he let him take over
man had he missed this
they had kisses before- but none like this
he could feel all the love in this kiss
when he pulled back Malik felt his heart race
and kissed him back passionately
Hajizuru watched them  he felt his heart crushed- so it wasn't real- he and Nagito weren't meant to be it was all just a illusion
but- everything he felt was real- he could go back to sonia but his love for her is long gone
and she loves someone else- she had a wife
but now Zuri had no one was this how fate had to be? it just wasn't fair! he had lost him and now this was his punishment
how could things end up this way?
was there a happy ending for him?
well you know fate is not what it seems
so who do you feel more sympathy for
Hajizuru or Malik?
or both?
well just like Nag you can make that choice
wait you are the one who chose this
Well then you are Nag - the one that chose this path why is that? and did you expect that reveal? and you accept the demon's love
and maybe this was the way fate was meant to be or was it? fate is never as it seems
wait wrong way- fate is not what it seems
and thank you once again for choosing
Malik's route: accepting a demon's love
he was swept away by a demon
Hajizuru watched as his love was swept away
no Nagito was never his- none of it was real

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