Lady Anastasia Christina Howard, Duchess of Northampton Territory

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Lady Anastasia Christina Howard on the day she was born on her father's 35th birthday was created Duchess of Northampton Territory in the name of her great-great-great-grandfather, Lord Patrick William Howard.

No one knows how Lord Andrew Charles Howard felt when his fourth daughter was born on December 21, 2285, but three months before Lady Karissa gave birth to their second son, Lord Albert Edward Howard, Duke of Kent Territory on September 21, 2285.

Lady Theresa wasn't disappointed with the birth of her only child,  Lady Anastasia Christina Howard on December 21, 2285 and she would be Lord Terrence and Lady Natalie's only grandchild, as they only had one child, Lady Theresa Charlotte.

The happiest of all of the children was Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard who was ten years old when Lady Anastasia Christina was born.

Lady Elizabeth lead Lady Samhain, Lord Anthony and Lady Caroline Matilda into the birthing room where Lady Theresa held Lady Anastasia Christina and Lady Elizabeth with her sisters, two first cousins started to dance around the suite where Lady Theresa held her daughter, Lady Anastasia Christina.

All the little girls started to dance around the room with Lady Elizabeth leading and she looks at her father " Look at my new solider. ." 

Lord Andrew Charles tells Lady Elizabeth " I know that you are happy, Lady Elizabeth." 

"I was born to become Duchess of Norfolk Territory and I will." Lady Elizabeth tells her father " When I have a daughter I will name after my mother, Lady Karissa." 

"I have no doubt that you will name your first daughter after your mother, Lady Elizabeth. " Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"I will and she will become the second Duchess of Norfolk Territory and she will give birth to a daughter and she will become the third Duchess of Norfolk Territory." Lady Elizabeth tells her father.

"Lady Samhain will have a daughter too and Lady Caroline Matilda too and Lady Anastasia Christina." Lady Elizabeth declares " Time to end this patriarch once and for all" Lady Elizabeth tells her father.

"Look what my great-great-grandfather did, my great-grandfather did?" Lady Elizabeth tells her father.

"They left out Lady Caroline Matilda's great-great-grandmother." Lady Elizabeth tells her father.

"My great-grandfather left out my aunts children." Lady Elizabeth tells her father.

"Lady Elizabeth. I have corrected it and after you, Lady Samhain, Lord Anthony, Lord Albert, Lady Anastasia, and any other children that I have, I have placed your aunt, Lady Patricia 's children, and your aunt, Lady Charlotte Augusta's children and then your uncle, Lord Charles Andrew Howard III children, and your Uncle Lord Patrick William Howard II children." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"In lie of them, Lord Richard Edward II  children,  Lord Frederick William III's children, and Lord Thomas William Howard's children." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

 "What was my great-great-grandfather thinking?" Lady Elizabeth asks.

"I have no idea he was born before my time." Lord Andrew Charles states "As was your great-grandfather and grandfather." 

Lady Theresa is so overcome with emotion that while she is holding Lady Anastasia Christina she turns her head so one can see her crying tears of joy and Lady Elizabeth walks over to her and asks " Why the tears Lady Theresa?" 

"Lady Elizabeth. They are tears of joy.' Lady Theresa explains.

"Lady Theresa. Lady Anastasia Christina is a Howard. " Lady Elizabeth tells her " She is Duchess of Northampton Territory." 

Lady Anastasia Christina Howard, Duchess of Northumberland TerritoryWhere stories live. Discover now