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Jay sighed as he walked into school, he had to walk with the other guys, who really just talked about whatever things they wanted, as he stayed silent, given he had absolutely no clue what they were talking about, and everytime he tried to join in on the conversation, they'd make fun of him for anything, so he chose to stay quiet. He honestly got along with the girls better, for whatever reason.

The brown haired collie decided to wait by the door for the girls, going unnoticed by the trio. After around 10 minutes of waiting, his little sister, Berri, ran up to him.

"Hiiii!! Were you waiting for us again??" The girl with the soft pink hair asked, earning a small shrug from the older canine.

They both began walking to their class, talking about their plans for later that day and how they'd go about them. Berri didn't have to worry about Dj, as Quinn would be watching over her today. Once they reached the younger girl's class, they both gave each other a goodbye and a wave before the older male had made his way to his own class, one he shared with none other than the ginger himself. Jay stood outside his class, preparing himself for the collie's dumb comments and poor conversation starters, before feeling a tap on his shoulder, scaring him a little. He turned to see Owen, looking at him confused.

"Ya know you're supposed to go through the door, right?" Despite how the words seemed to be sarcastic, his voice had honest confusion, making the brunette blink in disbelief.

"Sorry, sorry. Let's go." Jay said before entering the classroom, sitting in his seat and glancing around the room, not noticing the ginger had chosen to sit beside him. Once he did notice, Owen gave a smile, making the other jokingly roll his eyes.

-Later after school cause idek-

The group met up at the side of the school, 7:45pm, discussing what was about to happen and any possible outcomes. As they were talking, Dj heard voices getting closer, she gave a signal, telling the others it go-time. Jay, Berri, and Quinn each gave the others and themselves invisibility, each of them staying quiet. The group saw the small black cat and the taller canine walking past them, hearing something about ingredients, books, and supplies. As the two rounded the corner, the group slowly followed, trying not to be heard.

They watched from afar as Laylah set down her bag, opening a book and mumbling words the group could not hear. As the tall blonde went on, there seemed to be some,,, light? Coming from her hand, atleast, that's what the group thought. After the blonde spoke a few more words, the brick wall had slowly started glowing, a portal opening, making the groups eyes widen in either fear, or pure fascination.

"Told you." The blonde said, putting the book in her bag before picking it up.

"Holy shit.. I didn't know you could actually do it..." The cat said in pure disbelief. 

Laylah chuckled as she stepped closer to the glowing blue portal, turning to the feline and holding her hand out. The black cat stepped closer, slapping the girl's hand and walking though the portal, the taller woman sighing before walking through aswell.

The three quickly lifted the invisibility, Jake quickly picked up the blind girl, earning a small squeak from her.

"Oh we'd be stupid not to follow them..." Bailey said, stepping forward, her walk slowly turning into a run as she made it through the portal.

"BAILEY!!!" Elliot yelled as she followed her sister through. The rest of the group also following, the last two to enter being Jay and Berri.

"I don't know what's on the other side, this could be bad..." The brunette said, his words laced with fear as his ears fell. Berri grabbed the older male's hand before turning to him and speaking.

"We're not letting them do this by themselves, okay? I practically have all the powers, they need me, and I need you." She said, Jay sighing in response.

Berri quickly pulled Jay through the portal, stumbling once on the other side. The brunette didn't dare open his eyes, his breath quick and uneven.

"Holy snow..." Berri spoke, pure fascination in her voice. Jay finally opened his eyes to see a winter wonderland, looking around before the tall collie spoke.

"Holy hell, what are we covered in?" Quinn spoke before looking at the rest of the group. They each had crystals on them, on their face, ears, some in their hair, they also noticed Owen had a ribbon on his wrist. The ribbon was blue with a light dust of white glitter on the edges.

The ginger gasped in amazement, eyes lighting up as he admired the ribbon. They all checked to see if they had one, but nope.

The group discussed where to go, looking around confusedly before Jake spoke up.

"How about that big castle over there?" He said as he pointed towards a big white castle, surrounded of walls that looked to be made of thick ice. The group sat there staring in amazement.

"Sounds good..." Quinn said, starting to walk towards the castle, the rest of the group following close behind.   

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