The Letter

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Things had been quiet for a while. Understandably, Tim was suspicious.

Most of his suspicions came from the fact that not a single thing had been said about his plan to quit his life of crime and get back on the road to a normal, socially acceptable existence. Tim would have been an idiot to think that wasn't weird after the immediate complaints the day he'd made his intentions known. Hell, even Penny hadn't said a word about it.

Granted, she was still talking about the article that had been written about her to anyone who would listen—despite it not actually helping her build up a villainous reputation—so Tim figured that wasn't nearly as suspicious.

Still, Tim was wary of his fellow henchmen.

Mostly, this was because of the funny looks they kept shooting him when they thought Tim wasn't paying attention. Of course, they were painfully wrong about that, but then they'd never been the subtlest people. More often than not, Tim just ignored them because he didn't think they were actually up to anything.

After all, they depended on Penny for their evil schemes. Tim thought he had very little to worry about. All in all, things were nice and quiet.

And then, the letter arrived.

It was completely innocuous—just a plain envelope with a handwritten address in curling, black ink and an admittedly morbid seal with a skull on it

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It was completely innocuous—just a plain envelope with a handwritten address in curling, black ink and an admittedly morbid seal with a skull on it. Then again, they were villains. The most surprising thing about it to Tim was that there was anyone who still wrote letters that fancy. Penny, on the other hand, looked terrified of the innocent little envelope the moment it was presented to her while she sat in the lounge watching her minions play poker.

In fact, she nearly dropped it the moment she saw who had sent it. Instantly, everyone else in the room became curious.

"Who's that from?" Lina asked watching with as much interest as everyone else.

Penny didn't answer right away, apparently still in shock. Eventually, she regained her ability to speak and, with fear hanging from every syllable, she responded.

"My mother."

There was silence for a moment as everyone processed the words. Then, fearful whispering broke out. Tim heard someone mention fleeing the country while Eddie from accounting was rocking back and forth in the corner. Seeing panic spread amongst her lackeys, Penny attempted to put on a brave front. It was a valiant attempt despite her shaking hands.

"Calm down everyone, we don't know what she wants. Maybe she wants to congratulate me for making it to the newspaper." That was highly unlikely.

Still, everyone dared to dream for the few precious seconds it took Penny to open the envelope and unfold the perfectly folded piece of paper inside. Her dark eyes scanned the page while everyone in the room seemed to hold their breath. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Penny neatly folded the letter up and placed it back in the envelope. She set the letter back down on the coffee table before her and cleared her throat.

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