Chapter 8: The Lunar Le Cirque

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As the duo walked to the walls of the tower, they could see a very big issue preventing them from entering. There were no doors.

Areex stopped dead in their tracks. "Well, I suppose that we could look through the other building-"

The doors slid all the way down from the top and then irised open - allowing Areex and Tom to enter. The stench of rotting meat, blood, corpses filled the air immediately. Areex meekly walked in - their eyes darting around the room.

Several long tables were arranged around the room. They seemed to stretch as far as the eye could see. Sat around the table were Great Old Ones of all description - big, small, indescribable, simplistic, disturbing, laughable. All of them were present. Every single one of them. Their voices - which in some cases were actually living beings in their own right - were also present. Thankfully, none of the Great Old Ones noticed the intrusion into their party. Most of them were probably drunk. Or whatever the Great Old One version of inebriation was.

As Areex stood, they could feel something pulling their attention. It was like someone or something had grabbed their train of thought and yanked it. As Areex turned and looked, they could see an empty stage. Areex felt the desire to walk onto that stage.

Tom placed an arm on their shoulder. "I can feel it too. Let's avoid that stage. I can see something else being put onto it."

Areex and Tom walked away as that something else began screaming in agony and the Great Old Ones began laughing.

As the duo walked across one of the tables, they could hear the voices of the Great Old Ones "...Do you know, this reminds me of the golden age of these events. Where you could cannibalize any other Great Old One into your corporeal form and nobody would notice! Of course, you can do that right now but..."

Tom noticed something very quickly. Areex was cowered in fear. "Are you afraid of them?" he asked as Areex ducked to hide the massive eye-on-a-tendril of a Great Old One.

"Why should I be?" said Areex, their voice barely a whisper. "We're surrounded by malevolent god beings that could rip us to shreds or do other unspeakable things to us. I should be glad!"

The Great Old One that had been looking at the other table raised a pseudoarm to shake the hand of another nearby Great Old One - tumors rapidly growing to form a functioning hand through sheer torture of random genetic mutations.

"Where are we even going?" asked Tom eventually.

"I can see a door on the opposite wall. The reason why is that it's been left open and is actively glowing."

"Seems like more bait. And I don't think it's been left by anyone here."

"Yeah well you can find a better place to go."

A Great Old One screeched as its neighbor absorbed it into his body. The consciousness of the loser would be kept around as a shared entity. This was extremely common - with gestalt Great Old Ones being formed around five mergers.

"These people are barbarians," said Areex as they stared at this. "Disgusting omnipotent psychopathic shapeshifting barbarians. Let's just get to the door and get out of this hell."

As Areex and Tom ran to the door, they were ignored by every Great Old One present. This wasn't because they didn't notice. Quite a few did. But they were having a good time! Would a human let an ant running across the living room ruin a party? No!

They could always crush the ant when the party had ended. After all, it had nowhere to run.

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