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After finishing lunch, I dropped off Tatum at the care center and then headed to my locker to put away my lunch and grab my biology textbook

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After finishing lunch, I dropped off Tatum at the care center and then headed to my locker to put away my lunch and grab my biology textbook. Once I had everything, I made my way to the classroom and gave my slip to Mr. Molina before taking the only available seat next to Edward Cullen.

As I sat down and got out my notebook, I could feel his eyes on me, but I tried my best to ignore him and focus on copying the notes from the board. We were in the middle of dissecting zombie worms, which was both disgusting and fascinating.

When class ended, I lingered for a moment, trying to see if he would say something to me, but he remained silent and continued to stare. In a rush, I gathered my things and quickly left the room. As I walked towards the office, I sensed someone following me. Glancing back, I saw it was Edward.

I tried to shrug off his presence, telling myself that he was probably just heading to the office like I was. But then, as if to confirm my suspicions, he continued following me to the childcare center where I picked up Tatum and out into the parking lot.

His siblings watched with confused expressions as he trailed behind me to my car. I quickly dialed my Dad's number for help. He answered and I explained the situation, and almost as if he could hear my Dad on the phone, Edward scowled at me before turning and walking away from his siblings.

Relieved, I made it to my jeep and buckled in Tatum. As I put my things in the backseat, I continued talking to my Dad through the phone holder on my dashboard. He suggested meeting at a diner for dinner, and I agreed before adding that I needed to drop off our belongings at home first before we meet him there.

After we finished our conversation, he ended the call and I drove out of the parking lot towards home. Once I reached my driveway, I grabbed all of our belongings and picked up Tay before unlocking the front door. We went upstairs and I placed my things in my room and Tay's in hers. I grabbed an empty sippy cup from her room before making sure that she was comfortable and warm. Then, we left the house again and arrived at the Diner shortly thereafter.

When I pulled up, I parked and grabbed my phone before getting out and going around to the back to get Tay. I unbuckled her from her car seat, before grabbing her and her sippy cup and shutting the door. Once again getting stared at, I just rolled my eyes and continued on into the diner. I saw Dad sitting in a booth and made my way over to him, when I got to the table I noticed there was already a booster chair there so I sat Tatum in it before sitting down across from Dad.

"Hey Dad", I said while setting my bag down in the seat beside me,

"Hey Izzy, how was school?" he asked me,

"It was alright, the front desk lady Ms.Cope was glaring at Tay as soon as she saw her, I wanted to deck her in the face cause why are you glaring at my baby. Then after that I went to gym and met Jessica Stanley and Mike Newton and he would not stop staring at me the creep, they invited me to eat lunch with them and I met Tyler Crowley, Lauren Mallory, Ben Cheney, Angela Weber, Eric Yorkie and Katie Marshall. Everyone was mostly nice and Lauren was literally gushing over Tay the whole time everyone liked her except Jessica and Mike. Jessica was like barely concealing her disgust and Mike looked like disappointed or something so it was weird." I explained my whole day leaving out the Edward thing since he knew about it already

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