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As I was watching Paul play with Tatum, a shadow crept into the edge of my vision

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As I was watching Paul play with Tatum, a shadow crept into the edge of my vision. Reluctantly, I turned, only to confirm my sinking suspicion and I nearly groaned in pure annoyance.

It was none other than Edward Fucking Cullen, his presence an unwelcome constant at this school. His unsettling stares had long been a source of discomfort, especially after the day I caught him observing Tatum with far too much interest. I tried to stay away from him after that and I told Dad, but he just keeps popping up. If this continues, I'm just going to get a restraining order.

Before he could even get to me, Paul handed me back Tatum and stood Infront of us to block us from his view.  I watched Edward's brow furrow in frustration, his gaze flickering between Paul and me, before the most preposterous thing came out of his mouth, I mean I don't even know how he fixed his mouth to say some shit like that.

"What are you doing with my girlfriend you filthy mutt!?" Edward spat at Paul, and before Paul could say anything I had butt in,

"Excuse me, but last time I checked I'm not your Girlfriend, I don't like you and I've never even had a conversation with you, you follow me around like a creep watching me and my child like a stalker and if You don't stop, I'll get a restraining order against you", I told him stepping Infront of Paul in the process,

"Bella love-" He started before Paul cut him off, 

"Listen to me, Cullen. This is the last time I'll say it. Stay away from Isabella and Tatum, or you'll regret it. They're not your playthings, and you're not welcome around them. Get that through your head before it's too late."

Edward seemed surprised by Paul's words. As our heated exchange unfolded, a crowd began to encircle us, their murmurs and stares adding to the pressure of the moment. Anger simmered within me, not just at Edward's relentless pursuit, but at the sea of faces that had witnessed his behavior time and again yet chose to stand idly by.

Their inaction was maddening, but it only steeled my resolve. I met the eyes of those gathered my glare accusatory. 

"You've all seen it—how he's been stalking us. Not one of you thought to step in?" My voice was laced with contempt, and a few onlookers shifted uncomfortably, unable to hold my gaze.

 Amidst the tension—the familiar hand of Angela rested on my shoulder with Lauren following not too far behind her—a silent pledge of solidarity from friends who had continued to take a stand. It was a small comfort, but it reminded me that not everyone turned a blind eye.

Despite the encircling crowd, Edward's tirade continued unabated, each word more absurd than the last. His voice, usually smooth and controlled, now cracked with desperation and anger at me not obeying him like he owned me, his facade crumbling under the weight of public scrutiny.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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