Comforting!Lui x Raped Shu! part one

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Hey guys, this was requested by marthazalgera

Days went by but to shu it felt only like hours. It had been four days since Shu escaped. Four days away from the hell he had to go through.

Shu walked hours on end, he just wanted to go home but he didn't know where that 'home' was anymore, Shu just wanted to go back to the 'normal' life he had but now he doesn't think that he can go back to that normal life.

Shu walked past many homes, even his own.
He instead walked to Valts home but while he was walking he didn't realise he had bumped into Lui. Lui could see the fear in Shu's crimson eyes but he could also see that Shu had been crying for a least a few days.

Shu tried to walk past him but Lui did the unexpected, he hugged Shu but Shu was dying for this type of comfort, he didn't think it would be Lui to give him this type of comfort at all but instead of questioning the sharpe toothed boy he just hugged back and cried his heart out.

By the time Shu stopped crying, he was already at Lui's house but Shu felt safe when Lui hugged him, even if they were enemies he just felt safe in his hold.

Few more days went by and Shu just ended up living with Lui, Lui even suggest Shu move schools so Shu could feel more safe. Dispirit the fact that Shu would wake up panicking, Lui would constantly be by his side no matter what happens and Shu was grateful for that.

Well I hope y'all enjoyed reading this when I got the message I just started typing but I couldn't finish it bc of school but when I can home I finished it's so I hope y'all enjoy

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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