Teen Fiction Results

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Teen Fiction Results are out!!!

Thanks to ShockTrooperCorps once again!!

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And the first place goes to: 

Villainous Veera: romance_lover16

Cover: 10/10 

Plot: 9/10 

Presentation: 10/10

 Grammar/Punctuation: 10/10

 Creativity/Originality: 10/10

 Does the story make sense: 10/10 

Structure/Character Development: 9/10 

Overall Delivery: 10/10

 Total: 78/80 

Review: Good grief, Jessica Jones and Scarlet Witch better watch out! The protagonist of this book does NOT play any games, and the hostile world she is placed in really wraps the reader up in the conflict. The best thing I can say is to go through and check for where sentences could be restructured to shorten some paragraphs. A SMALL bit of exposure (maybe in a prologue?) would do well, as long as it's not a giant info dump. Great work! 

- (Judge: ShockTrooperCorps)

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