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"Tal? Please talk to me."

George Russell begged as he sat outside of the apartment that she had previously shared with her brother.

Tears flowed out of his crystal blue eyes as he leant against the front door, since it was locked and barricaded since his spare key was not able to get him inside.

It had been three weeks since the death of his best friend Dakila Villanueva and the girl that was his sister had locked herself in to the apartment and had not come out since.

He had stopped by every single day to see if he could see her and coax her out of the apartment, because all he wanted to do was to talk to her and apologise for crashing in to her brother, causing his death.

He squeezed his eyes shut as he released a small cry, since he knew that she would blaming him for the crash, as he was, and it broke his heart.

He hadn't meant to crash in to him.

It was an accident.

The door suddenly became ever so slightly ajar as the Villanueva girl was able to hear soft cries which were belonging to the Russell boy.

A small hand clasped around his hand which was by his side and squeezed it gently, making his head snap towards the door where he could just about see half of her face, since the other half was still hidden by the door.


George's voice broke as emotion hit him at the sight of his best friend, as the dam that was holding his tears back gave way therefore allowing tears to fall from his eyes and never stop.

Tala Villanueva pushed the door open to move her body out from the apartment, sitting outside the building and sat beside the Russell boy to place her head on his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Tal."

George cried as the woman reached over to wrap one of her arms around his waist, comforting him for the first time in three weeks.

"Shhhh." Tala shushed him as he hugged her tightly, needing the comfort that he so desperately had needed the past three weeks.

Tala lifted her tear filled eyes to meet the blue of his and noticed just how broken he was and the pain that was within them.

"It's my fault, Tal. I killed your brother, I'm so sorry." George released a sob as he buried his face in to her neck, feeling the hands of the girl knotting in to his hair and soothing his frantic body slightly.

"No. You didn't." Tala bit her lip to hold back tears as she knew that she needed to comfort the Russell boy.

She didn't want to admit that it wasn't his fault that her brother crashed, but instead hers.

She had always been at the races of her brother, and for the very first time she had not been able to go to his race, only for her to discover that when she turned up to collect him, that he had crashed.

Then she was told that he was killed in the crash.

Dakila had always said that his sister was his good luck charm and it proved that it was true because he had died when she wasn't there.

LOVE AT LAST// GEORGE RUSSELLWhere stories live. Discover now