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Lance Stroll spoke in shock and surprise as he took note of a small figure of a young woman, wearing a basketball sweater that could have only belonged to Dakila Villanueva.

"Hey buddy."

Tala smiled uncomfortably at him, nervous about her surroundings since she was at a race, where all of her other friends were still racing, instead of crashing out like the Canadian.

Lance immediately ran towards her, wrapping his arms tightly around her since it felt like it had been forever since he had seen her in person, let alone at a race.

"I can't believe you're here! Do the others know that you're here?" Lance questioned as he hugged her, though he quickly released her as he heard the smallest of sounds signalling that she was uncomfortable.

"Uh, no. Angela got me in, because I didn't know whether to come or not." Tala Villanueva smiled grimly, the sleeves of the sweater that she was wearing being gripped tightly in her hands.

"Lewis' physiotherapist?"

"Yeah. I didn't want to get people's hopes up that I was coming here, just in case that I didn't show."

Tala spoke in truth, since she had changed her mind multiple times before eventually settling on coming over to join them and watch the race.

"Well I'm glad that you're here, I've missed you, T." Lance smiled softly at the timid girl, seeing the redness in her eyes which to him signalled that she had been crying before arriving.

"I've missed you too. I'm sorry that I haven't been a better friend to you, it just hurts, you know? Because I made friends with all of you, because of him and now that he's not here, it just doesn't feel right that I'm laughing and joking with his best friend's."

Tala explained, lifting one of her hands up to scratch at the back of her head awkwardly, since she didn't know if he would understand her reasoning, or if any of them would.

"That's a normal thing, Tal. You lost your brother. We get it, trust me. And hey!" Lance nudged her arm playfully with his hand. "You've been a great friend to us! Always have and always will. Don't you forget that, alright?"


"Good!" The Stroll boy chuckled, a grin forming on to his face. "Now, aren't you going to ask why is that I'm standing here and now speed racing around the track and winning the world title?"

"No, I know why." Tala deadpanned. "It's because you're shit."

"I am not!"

Lance laughed loudly, watching as a familiar grin started to light up her face, one that he had not seen in a long time.

He playfully clasped his arms around her waist, lifting her off her feet to tease her, her laughter sounding like heaven to his ears since he had not seen her in so long, or heard her laugh in even longer.

"Wait, is that Mick? Is he out?"

Lance frowned as he noticed an angry blonde haired boy storming their way, his dark eyes widening as he took in the way that he was clutching at his helmet as if he wanted to punch something.

"Mick? You okay?"

Lance questioned his friend, immediately placing the Villanueva girl on to the ground before he rushed over to the German.

"I was doing so well, I might have even been able to get points, but the car-"


Mick Schumacher's head snapped straight up from where it had been staring at the ground at the sound of her voice, eyes widening as he noticed her standing there with a soft smile on her face.

LOVE AT LAST// GEORGE RUSSELLWhere stories live. Discover now