For Man's Folly and Pride

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The wind blowing in (Y/n)'s face was colder than the grave itself as he stared out into the bitter night. He couldn't fathom how Lucy had been snatched up in such a short amount of time... he had practically just closed the door!

The yard was barren as well, not even a shadow marring the immaculate grass below. It was as if... she simply ceased to exist.

"Looking for something?"

(Y/n) shrieked, snapping his head toward the voice so fast he nearly broke his neck. Leaning against the nursery doorframe was a pale and lanky man with long, lightly curly hair. Each coarse lock was the color of blood.

His unruly mane almost reached the floor and looked as if he had never brushed it in his life. Despite that, none of it looked unwashed or particularly damaged.

His smile was roguish in nature, all sharp teeth with a hint of playfulness in his piercing yellow eyes. His clothing consisted of a rather old-fashioned white shirt and a pair of black pants.

(Y/n) felt himself backing away, remembering the very fairytale he had been telling Lucy not too long ago. This man... he matched the description of the goblin king perfectly.

"Aw, what's the matter, love? Cat got your tongue?"

A jolt went up his spine when his back hit the wall, watching hopelessly as the taller man began to approach.

"M...M-Marius?... G-go away! Leave me alone!"

Surprisingly, Marius stopped in his tracks. The wind still flowing through the broken door made his blood-red curls dance in the moonlight.

"Oh, have I not earned your kiss yet? A hug? Are you not to thank me for the service I have so generously provided you with?"

(Y/n) was practically shaking under his intense gaze.

"Wh... what do you mean?"

"Are you really asking me that now?"

His smile dropped, eyes akin to burning citrine. He almost looked... angry.

"You wanted your sister to disappear. Well, do you see her here now? Have I not fulfilled my end of the bargain?"


The reality of this situation finally began to set in. It was a story coming to fruition. The goblin king had taken Lucy away, and now he wanted his payment... to wed his beloved mortal.

"I... b-but I..."

"Don't you dare say that you didn't mean it."

His words held a certain bite that (Y/n) wasn't expecting, each syllable practically growled through clenched teeth.

"I may be the king of goblins, but I am also a master of desires. I can see through your heart as though it were made of glass. I know that you meant every word you said."

(Y/n) felt his eyes watering, barely able to stand what he already knew to be the truth.

"Then... why does my ch-chest hurt so much? S-surely I..."

"You are feeling fear, my love. You don't want to face the wrath of your father. I mean, you gave your sister away to me. What do you think will happen when he comes home and she is gone? It was your responsibility to watch her."

Deep down, (Y/n) knew he was right. He wanted Lucy gone. He just didn't want to deal with the consequences of his selfish thoughts.

"Can... can't you give her back?"

"Why would I ever do something that, in your heart, you didn't really want? I took her as a gift to you. Your happiness is my top priority."

His tone was flirtatious, approaching ever closer with his arms stretched wide. He took (Y/n) into his embrace, holding the shorter male close. (Y/n)'s face was practically shoved into his warm chest, inhaling the heady scent of jasmine and lemon. It was almost... relaxing.

"Oh, and what could be happier than your wedding day? Our wedding day."

(Y/n) felt his blood run cold at those words.

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