Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained

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(Y/n) shoved Marius away from him, watching the goblin king stumble and almost fall over.

"Hey! What was that for?!"

"I don't want to marry you!"

Marius' eyes widened, staring down at the mortal like a wounded puppy.

"You... but I... I thought..."

As if a flip had been switched, his citrine gaze suddenly hardened.

"I have given you a gift. My payment is your hand. You cannot simply refuse me!"

"I never asked for it!"

"Yes, you did! Wishing for that brat to disappear was a direct request to me!"

(Y/n) backed away as Marius attempted to grab him once again, glaring up at the goblin king.

"Then... how about a new bargain?"

"No, I won't let you go. You are mine. I won't hand you off to anyone else!"

Marius lunged and (Y/n) dodged, rolling away from the passionate king.

"O-ok! How... how about a game, then? A-a challenge, if you will?"

Marius froze, intense yellow eyes focused entirely on (Y/n).

"I'm... listening."

In the end, the goblin king loved games above all else.

"I will attempt to rescue Lucy. If I... f-fail... I'll be yours."

A deep hum of approval vibrated in Marius' chest. His smile was wicked, thin, and barely there.

"And, if you somehow... succeed?"

"Then I get to bring her home, and you must never come back."

The goblin king began to tap at his temple, contemplating (Y/n)'s offer.

"Well... it is very tempting. Hm... mmm... oh, why the hell not? There's no way that you'll win."

(Y/n) practically sighed in relief at the rather easy compliance.

"I will give you about... hmm... thirteen hours to save the child. If you fail to get her, you'll be stuck with me forever. Naturally, I'll ensure time here is frozen so that your little... wish... will not be discovered."

"Wait, where did you take her?"

"My palace, of course. Where else?"


In the story he had read, the goblin palace was located deep within a confusing labyrinth. It was essentially a trap designed to keep invaders and other enemies from ever reaching the palace.

"Aw, is my little prince scared? Are you getting cold feet now? Where did that brave face go?"

Marius' tone was mocking, making (Y/n) feel more inferior by the second.

"Shut up! I'll get her back, you asshole!"

"Really? Is that the best you could come up with? Eh, whatever. We should get started before I change my mind."

With a click of his fingers, the broken glass door faded away, and the balcony replaced itself with a barren feild of grass. (Y/n) stared out of the "portal" in awe, hesitantly stepping through the threshold.

In the far distance, (Y/n) could see part of the castle. The whole thing was surrounded by brick walls, each roughly the height of a large house.

"How... do I get in the labyrinth?"

When he received no response, (Y/n) looked back only for Marius and the doorway to be gone. The only thing there was a grandfather clock ticking away.

"Tch. I guess we're starting right now... what a jerk."

With a roll of his eyes, (Y/n) began walking along the wall in hopes of finding an entrance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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