Chapter Twenty-one: Boyfriend Tag

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Myra's POV

" I said his my cousin!!"-me


"And about that teddy thing?"-Jungkook

I looked at Taehyung and he smiled at me.

"Well we're dating.."-Ma




"Have you ever kissed each other?!!"-Deb

"Nope..I kiss him on the cheek."-me

"And I kiss her on the forehead."-Taehyung

"Yieeee!!!! Meant to be!!!"-Deb

"Hahaha!! How bout you and Jin?"-Me

"Ohh we're still dating right Jinny?!"-Deb

"Awww cute NICKNAME!"-me

I looked at Taehyung...


"Nothing, Taehyung!!"-me

"Hahaha I'm guessing you don't have a nickname for Myra.."-Jin

"Hahahaha yup I don't have.. sorry baby!"-Taehyung


I pouted and he came in closer and kissed my cheek.

"Love you.."-Taehyung


"Hahaha mom doesn't love daddy, Samuel"-Tahyung


"Its ok Sam...we're just joking around.."-Me

"Why does he call you guys mom and dad?"-Rapmon

"Ohh he wanted to so we agreed.."-Taehyung

"Ohh I see..."-Rapmon

"How bout you Kath? Any boyfriend?"-Kath


"Oh okay hahahah"-Me

We were done eating me, Taehyung and Sam separated from the others.

We went to buy some clothing's for Sam. We payed for it then left.
We also bought Taehyung an awesome tuxedo, and as for me..I bought a dress with a pair of heels.

We left the mall and got into the car.

"Umm Hyung i'm sleepy..."-Sam

"Haha he didn't call you dad anymore..."-me

He pouted..

And Sam slept on my shoulder. I put my arms around his shoulder and Taehyung took a photo...he showed it to me and he made it his wallpaper.


I also showed him my wallpaper and he smiled. We were back home!!!

Mom and aunt Rozetta wasn't around..I guess Xiumin oppa's back.
I opened the door and I saw EXO in the living plusss Kath!!! Plus Deb, Ji Yong, Yu Jin and Xiumin oppa... Pluss!!!!! LUNA!!!!! AND HER EFFIN SISTER!!!!

My smile turned to anger when I saw her in the house!!!

Samuel ran towards Yu Jin...


"Hey Samyy!!"-Yu jin

"This is our cousin, for all of those who don't know.."-Yu Jin


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