Chapter 20

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It didn't feel like 3 months had passed, Jimin, who routinely did chemotherapy and other treatments, was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. Taehyung said that his current condition is much better and the cancer cells in Jimin's head are also inactive, not yet declared completely cured, but it is a very good progress for Jimin's health.

During these 3 months, Jimin spent most of his time in the hospital with Taehyung, Jin only came during the day and came home when Jungkook finished his work at the office. Sometimes Taehyung also accompanies Jimin in his room until Jimin falls asleep.

"Currently your condition is much better, I'm happy to see your progress, but you still have to maintain your eat and sleeping hours, and don't be stressed, because it's possible that the cells can be active again" Taehyung said.

"Thank you Taehyung, I don't know how to pay for all this, but I'm very grateful"

"I'm a doctor, making my patients better is my job, are you going back to Seoul?"

"Yes, Jin and I have to go back there, we have been living at Jungkook's place for three months"

"I'm sure he doesn't mind that."

"Because Jin is there"

"If he objects to you being there, you can stay at my place."


"Ah I mean, I have another apartment that I've never lived in, you can live there if you don't want to bother Jungkook."

"Looks like Jin and I have to keep going back, we don't have work here, I can't ask Jungkook to pay for all our needs"

"Okay, then when are you guys coming back here?"

"It never occurred to me to come back here, ticket prices and life here are very expensive, I don't think I would have come here if it weren't for Jungkook"



"Can I call you while you're there?"

"Of course, why do you have to ask? You're my doctor."

"Okay, then when are you coming back to Seoul?"

"Looks like two more days, you want to drop me off?" Taehyung just smiled and nodded.

Jimin and Jungkook returned to the apartment, saw Jin who was busy in the kitchen, he was preparing lunch for the three of them.

"What are you doing?" Jimin said.


"Wow, that must be really good" Jimin said and sat down in the living room.

"Why your face?"

"What do you mean Jin?"

"Your face is so red, what happened? Are you feeling dizzy or something?"

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