The Event

23 3 2

Chase's POV
My FD RX-7 is nearly finished.
I have already installed the 26B quad rotor, Two turbos and a couple more modifications. I don't feel very comfortable listing them all, mainly because every time I do, people wouldn't understand what the hell I'm saying or they really hate me going on and on about my car.
After I searched up for some more mods for sale on my MacBook, I spotted a little pop up on the side about Drifting events.

"Have you got what it takes to be a drifter? Put yourself to the test by qualifying. Click here for more details!" The pop up listed.
It caught my eye. I couldn't resist but to click that ad! It listed the closest tracks near where I live, that held the event.
"Hmm, This Sunday.. " I mumbled to myself.
I quickly glanced at the car. I'm thinking of getting some matte black vinyl before the event (If I attend) .

I've also quickly flicked through the Facebook events, and saw a comment from this girl. Janis.

"That's a nice ride.." I said, while looking at her DP.

This is short, sahry. Was supposed to make this long. Never typed a fanfic before bahahah
Cheers, Jess
IG: @Drawingsby_Jess_

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