The Dream Guy

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This dream, this one was different.

I could feel it in the way the air smelt. The harsh slap of howling wind against my already frozen body generated angry goosebumps all over my skin.

I looked down at my feet, and by the help of only the light coming from a faraway lamppost, I could see the two mismatched pair of shoes, one white, one blue. They were the only pair I had and yet, I had still somehow managed to get them mixed.

My spine shivered and I could feel the force of it shooting through my shoulder blades. I raised my hand to brace it against the wall next to me and try navigating my way in the darkness. I was in an alley, and from the stink of what smelt like centuries old garbage around me, I concluded I wasn't in the most sophisticated part of the town.

When light met my eyes, and I was out in the square where a Halloween carnival is held every year, some of my worries took an away flight. There were people everywhere, some in masks and customs, some in normal clothes and some trying to attract as many people as they can into their fake handreading. Men in silly colorful suits were offering the passersbyes pendants and crystals and promises of luck and fortune.

"Hey, sweet," a tall, dark haired man with glistening green eyes approached me. He had a normal attire from head to toe. White button down shirt that clung to his muscular frame and black pants. The only bizzare thing about the outfit was the hexagon shaped blue stone dangling from a necklace around the column of his tanned neck. It reflected every drop of light that fell over it on my face. I looked back up at him and found a smirk plastered on his face. He must believe I was checking him out.

I wasn't.

"Have you been having a trouble sleeping lately?" He asked with a stark, charming smile. I only frowned at him. Who walks up to a stranger and asks about their sleep routine?

"Honestly, yes." I found myself saying. "I used to have a somewhat stable sleep, but two weeks ago or something..there was like a switch that flipped in my head. I'm no longer able to really sleep."

His grin only widened at that. "Then, do join me and try our services at Dreamland Corner. Only for fifty bucks!"


I followed his line of vision to one of the makeshift cabinets that people used for their proclaimed 'services'. I wasn't dumb. I didn't believe in all that future reading and crystal sphere BS.

"No, thank you..I would rather not__"

Interrupting me, he grabbed my hand and his skin was so very cold that I felt the chill flow from his body and hit mine with full force.

The scene changed.

From the moment I stepped into the strange room, I realized I was no longer a participant in the dream, but a spectator.

I had no problem with that, as long as I wasn't being forced to watch a crime or a blood curling murder.

The simple wooden shaped cabin I stood in seemed to be separated into two sections. Where I was currently, which was something close to a waiting room. And what was on the other side of the purple curtain right in front of me. I took it as the fake warlock room.

"Come in, Miss. Please,"

I turned at the sound of a slide. The guy I had previously met was stepping inside the room with a petite woman following him. I didn't recognize her at all, she could be one of the tourists who came over our town in this certain time of year to have fun in the carnival.

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