The Nothing Room

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“Your job…your sole life responsibility for the rest of your natural life is to keep that door shut….always! The house is yours…you can do what you want with it regarding restoration or upgrades. But, you need to live here until the day you die. I inherited it from my grandfather. He told me the same thing. When your time comes, you will need to pass the house onto family or someone close that you can trust. It’s been in our family for over 260 years. It was built on these hallowed grounds in 1748.”

“I know you’ve seen the door when you were snooping around my basement when you were a kid. You and your cousins would go poking around when you were youngin’s. I know you were curious back then as you are now.”

“Hah yeah, we saw the door, we always thought it was a room full of gold and treasure when we were real young. Then when we were teenagers we’d sneak down to your basement to smoke cigarettes and look thru your stash of Playboys….huh…geesh…I can remember one time when Cousin Marc said that behind that door was your Sex Room. Haha-ha…..”

“Crazy stupid kids you were back then.”

“Guilty as charged!”

“Bruce, that oak door must never be opened. Understand?”

“Uncle Armand, what’s behind it? I deserve to know.”

“Nothing…absolutely nothing. That’s all you need to know.”

“So, you’ve seen what’s on the other side?”

“Yes, it’s void. It’s a room of darkness with no dimensions. It’s absolute nothingness. You don’t need to know anything more than that!”

“Why aren’t you telling me everything? Why is it such a big deal?”

“Bruce, all I can tell you is it’s based on legends, myths that I have heard from my grandfather who owned the house from 1920 to 1977. These stories have been handed down from generation to generation. I don’t exactly believe in any of them, but I have kept up my commitment for the last thirty-three years. Now, soon I will pass, and you will be caretaker of the house, this basement and most importantly The Door.”

Uncle Armand continued, “Now, regarding the door, there’s another thing you need to know. The wood is special; it cannot be replaced or reinforced in any way. It’s Wurttemberg Oak from The Black Forest located in the Rhine Valley of Western Germany. It is six inches thick and is said to last a thousand years. Its currently a little over three hundred years old and is solid as anything I’ve ever seen. You can replace the metal hinges and dead bolts but don’t mess with the wooden door itself.”

“Why is it so secret? Why the all the mystique? Come on….like what? What’s in that room?”
Uncle Armand paused, looked down at his dusty basement floor. Then said,

“A gateway.”

“A gateway to what?”

“Nothing that this world needs to know about. Just let it go Bruce.”

“From what my granddad told me there are six other gateway doors in this world. Known to just a handful of people. Each with a guardian, you’ll be the guardian of this one. Nobody else knows where the other ones are, just like the other guardians do not know where this door is. Anyways, my granddad said that each oak door has been blessed by Pope Benedict the 14th in 1740. They are truly sacred and cannot be replaced….ever.” ”

“Uncle Armand, did my dad know about the door?”

“Of course, your dad knew about the door. He helped me reinforce the door hinges back in ‘81. Your dad and I talked about the door many times while sharing a bottle of Canadian Club.”

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