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They say that death comes quickly, that your whole life flashes before your eyes and then you know peace. It wasn’t like that for me.

The day started like any other. I opened my eyes to birdsong, enjoying the breeze flicking my ears. I walked with my family to a nearby clearing where the grass is sweet and plentiful, my little brother prayfully prancing around my legs and nearly tripping me over once or twice. We arrived in the sun-kissed meadow and began to graze, the sun hitting my back and warming my bones.

There was a smaller group of us lately than I’d been used to. Some of the other members of the herd had been missing for a while now but that wasn’t completely unusual. Herd mates come and go after all. But still, this morning there were only a handful of us. Never mind, that meant more grass for me. Still, I wish dad were here. Hopefully he’d be back soon.

Two familiar faces feasted greedily near the treeline, the long branches casting their backs in stripey shadows. My little brother was more than just a little energetic this morning, his clumsy little legs bouncing him through the air after a particularly colourful butterfly. My mother wasn’t far from him, always keeping him in her sights. He had led them both to a shaded area on the far side of this beautiful field of flowers.

Then there was me sniffing at the ground for another bite of delicious greenery. My brown eyes scanned the area in front of my hooves, hunting out the juiciest of grasses. Then my eyes flitted on to a particularly large chunk of green. That looked delicious.

I hastily made my way over there, flicking my tail in anticipation. This was going to be good.
Then it happened.

The first thing I registered was a loud bang that echoed around the clearing, bouncing off the trees and ringing painfully in my ears. In an instant, my herdmates scattered, turning tail and plunging into the safety of the nearby trees just like we had many times before. I tried to follow suit but for some reason, I just couldn’t keep up. My front legs seemed drowsy and slow while my back legs were beginning to drag. The gentle leaves which brushed against my back did little to soothe me.

Then I became aware of the pain. A hot, fierce pain was piercing my ribs, making my whole body tremble. Heat radiated as did the white-hot agony, my legs shaking in an effort to keep me upright and moving. I found it more difficult to breathe and I could taste something strange in my mouth.

It wasn’t long before I collapsed in a heap, my heart beating in my ears so powerfully it was making my vision swim. My breathing had become laboured and I no longer could raise my head.

If I would have been more alert, I might have heard the two men approach earlier. They weren’t being subtle, their feet pounding loudly on the ground as they rushed over to my position in the foilage.

“Damn it Ron, what a shit shot” A gruff voice said to my left, a little out of earshot. “At least make it painless and quick.”

“I’m sorry uncle. I guess I’m not as good as you yet” A higher voice responded, seeming to shake a little. “Poor thing. I thought it would be easy. What do I do?”

“Well ya need to put it out of its misery, boy. A clean shot to the neck should do it.” The gruff man said, stones crunching beneath heavy feet.

“This is horrible” The other man said, sucking in air through his teeth. He came into my field of view but my sight was beginning to blur so much I could only make out a dark shape looming above me. He crouched down near my head, my heart spiking in fear.

“What did ya expect? Sunshine and rainbows? This is where your meat comes from.” The first man growled. “Make it quick.”

I felt something cold press against my neck but I was too weak to react.
“Sorry little deer.”

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