How one piece men react to a s/o with really bad periods

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didn't feel up to doing a full fic so did some imagens. if you want more just comment your requests. i needed som comfort on my own period. and FYI the keeling over thing isn't me being over dramatic just for the sake of the fan fic, I topple right over from cramps pretty often. I really am like some over dramatic victorian woman on my period, mama needs to get herself a fainting couch. Feel free to bully me about it =)

-your author ____________________________________________________________________


This man is very patient with you. He sits there with a smile on his face,well you bitch and moan about how shity it is . He can't help but think it's adorable when you get so over dramatic about your period. He has seen you grin and bear it through pain, you usually act calm, cool and collected when you're suffering, so it takes him by surprise when you're a big cry baby about this. He's glad that you don't feel like you have to suffer through it alone and trust him enuff to go to him to just complain or if you need help.

The first time you had your period around him He didn't quite understand how much pain you were actually in. He thought you were just playing it up. It only hit him how much it hurt when you crumpled to the ground hissing curling up on yourself. He froze in that moment, watching you just breathe in and out slowly trying to breathe through the cramps. Then he rushed forward and picked you up holding you to his chest whispering sweet nothings to you as the wave of cramps listened up.

He adores you so much and hates seeing you in pain. He will tease you a little bit about it but the moment he sees that you're not having any of it he drops it. He won't make a big deal about giving you special treatment when you're like this. more cuddling, getting you sweets, making you laugh whenever he can, and staying close to your side as much as he can. He wants to be right there if you topple over again. He won't say it out loud but you scared the shit out of him when you did that.

He kinda finds it funny when he finds you in weird places and or positions that help your cramps. Whether it's laying on the kitchen floor because the cold feels good on your back or sitting with your legs up against the wall and back on the floor because it's the only thing that's helping with your cramps in the moment. He usually just joins you and begins talking your ear off to distract you from the pain.


You always try so hard to keep the fact you're on your period a secret. The men of the Moby dick find periods gross and don't get what's the big deal since it happens once a month you should be used to it. You do your duties and do your best to be your normal self. You would not just up and tell Marco or realy anyone what you were going through.

Marco would notice the little cracks in your facade, the wincing when you thought no one was around or the fact you took longer to do your chores. He'd start getting really concerned when you started spending most of the time in your room. His first thought is not that you're on your period, it's that you got hurt and weren't telling him. He'd be pissed that you hadn't come to him to get patched up.

He would try to wait for you to come to him but after a day of watching you suffer in silence He'd confront you. When he saw your face flush and start to fumble with your words he would think he caught you. Before you could realy explain He'd be dragging you to his clinic, calling you an idiot and a moron the whole way there. He would adamantly state, "I'm the doctor on this ship you can't go around hiding wounds from me, how am I supposed to patch you up if I don't know your hurt yoi"

Once their He'd grab his med kit and damned you show him your stomach. Watching you he was pretty sure that's where the Injury was.

You would lift up your shirt and say, "I'm not hiding a cut or something," you would sigh looking anywhere but his eyes, "just on my period." You'd mumbled.

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