Forever {It's Love sequel}

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this is just the epilogue of It's Love, to refresh your guys memories. you don't nessicarily have to read the first book bc it's shit anyways, but it may help you to understand everything harry and louis have gone through together. 

really glad i'm writing again, it's exciting. so enjoy and stuffs. 

- last time -

"You look cute,"

I stood in front of the mirror and made a face. "Really?" I gushed, tugging on my bowtie and running my fingers through my hair. If you asked me, my hair looked lopsided and the new cut made me resemble a kitten. My pants were a little too tight, not that the fans would mind- or Louis for that matter.

Two sturdy arms wrapped around my waist and hot breath hit my neck. "Yes, really."

I continued to ruffle my hair as my boyfriend played with the buttons on my blazer. "Your hair looks perfect, your bowtie looks perfect, you're perfect."

Louis placed a peck on my cheek and a giggle escaped my lips. I'd been doing that a lot lately-- giggling for no reason, like some sort of red-cheeked schoolgirl. "Besides, who cares what you wear? It'll be off by the end of the night," The smile could be heard in his voice as I lightly elbowed him. "You're a perv," I mumbled, before spinning around.

I wrapped my arms around Louis's neck and looked into his eyes, smiling widely. "So, are you ready for our date?" I said the last word sing-songly, in pure joy at that fact that we were going out.

"If you can even call it a date." Louis joked.

It could be considered a date, at least to us and the boys. We'd been invited to a movie premiere as a group, but the boys decided that me and Louis should go alone. We were in no place to object, and the thought of being alone with Louis in a dark theater sent jolts of excitement through me.

It was a great feeling, being able to go out together even though people didn't know we were dating. We weren't quite ready for that, in fact people still thought Louis and Alexis were an item.  It was a strange, mixed up situation, but Liam and Alexis were in a relationship and very much happy.

It was strange, but the hiding didn't seem to bother any of us. In fact, I was very content to be home alone all day, cuddling in the dark with Louis. Even if it meant arranging fake dates between Alexis and Louis.

People would think it would be exhausting after a while, but it really wasn't. I mean, sure, coming out would be a relief, but the whole sneaking around together gave our whole relationship an edge-- like Romeo and Juliet, like some sort of forbidden love.

"It is a date, and we're going to have fun,"  I pecked his lips briefly before hearing a knock on the door. Peering over Louis's shoulder, I found Alexis in the doorway.

Lately the whole band had been loitering around our flat, Alexis included. This whole "Larry drama" had brought us all closer, and the boys just loved wrecking our place and stealing all of our beer.

"Hi guys, Liam sent me to tell you your ride was here," She smiled brightly, even though she looked tense. I could tell it was awkward for her, being around Louis and I. I could tell she wasn't sure whether or not I had any animosity towards her. To show otherwise, I smiled deeply in thanks.

Louis gave my waist a squeeze and mumbled something about having to grab his wallet before slipping out of the room.

I looked at Alexis for a moment, and we shared a look that was almost shy in nature. "Hi," I mumbled, scratching my head.

"Hi," She smiled, and she slowly stepped towards me. "Look, I hope there's no hard feelings about me and Louis 'dating'." She now stood in front of me, and I looked down at her unnerved face.

She looked uneasy as she twiddled her thumbs. I smiled lightly, and shook my head. "I don't mind, just as long as you're keeping your hands on Liam,"

She laughed lightly, and brushed hair from her eyes. "Yeah, I sure am." She sighed, and her face turned red. "I don't know, Harry, it's like I get this stupid feeling in my gut whenever he says my name. It's... It's..."

"It's love?" I quipped. She snorted and hit me on my shoulder.

"Yeah, right." She chuckled.

"Why not?" I quizzed, smirked lightly as I crossed my arms.

"Just, go on your date, okay?" She ran her hands through my hair obnoxiously and pushed me towards the door. I stifled a laugh as I pushed my curls back in place. It was good that we could joke around-- it gave this whole thing a sense of normalcy.

As I pulled the door open, Alexis called after me one last time, making me smile the biggest I had the entire night. "Have fun with my boyfriend!"

Oh, I would.

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