chapter one .

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Kinda sucks, but this chapter is basically going to show what Harry and Lou's relationship looks like now, a month or two later after. 

I am going to edit the first book, because everything is now taking place in 2013. Which means the boys are older, and they also now have lots and lots of tattoos. So I will be fixing the kinks in book 1 over the next few weeks. 

So like, just pretend the last book had a 19 year old harry with tattoos and not so curly hair. lol. 

ok enjoy bbies!

"Morning sweet-ums," Harry scooped up an apple from the fruit bowl in the center of the kitchen table, placing a kiss on my cheek before taking a bite or the crisp fruit.

I nodded at him, giving him a silent hello before flipping the page in the newspaper. "Since when do you read?" Harry smirked, pulling up a chair next to me. He reeked of sweat and coffee and he rolled the sleeves of his tracksuit. I scowled and continued to flip the pages, my eyes barely grazing the words as I waited for Harry to realize what I was waiting for.

I was sat in the kitchen, where I'd been for the past hour and a half, trying to decide what I'd say to Harry when he arrived home. I had gone through a list-- I could ignore the fact that he'd gone for hours out without leaving a note, I could blow up on him as soon as he entered the flat, or I could give him the silent treatment and let him wallow in guilt.

I was going with option C.

"Hm..." Harry sighed, leaning in and placing a wet kiss against my neck. I scowled, knowing that I would get sticky apple juice all over the skin of my neck. He placed more kisses up my neck, along my jaw, but when he tried to kiss my lips I turned my head.

"What's wrong?" He said, eyebrows creasing in confusion. I cleared my throat and looked him in the eyes.

"Where were you, Harry?" He cocked his head to the side, pondering for a moment before his face dropped. "Oh, Lou..." He began, but I held up a hand to keep him from continuing.

"I woke up alone, Harry."

"I went for a run, like I always do every Sunday--"

"It's 1:00 in the afternoon."

"Well I met some fans and bought them some coffee." He smiled sheepishly, shrugging whilst almost looking proud at the fact he'd picked up some girls for coffee on our day.

Today was the last day that Harry and I would be able to spend with each other before the Take Me Home tour. After today our lives would be a mess of interviews and shows and hiding. Lots and lots of hiding. He promised me we'd have today, that we'd stay in and fool around, and cuddle, and order chinese and watch romantic comedies. Half of the day was already gone, and the other half was sure to be spent arguing. 

I thought we'd have a fairy tale, Harry and I. And most days we did. But alot of other days we spent arguing, usually over something stupid. And then I'd do something immature to agrivate him, and he'd throw things aroundand tell me to just stay with Alexis or something since she was my "girlfriend", but by the end of the day we'd wind up in bed, mumbling apologies against eachothers lips. 

That's just how it was with the two of us. 

"Well maybe you should focus less on charming the entire female population and more on this relationship!" I spat, and the sheepish smirk fell off his face. He sighed, putting his apple down and pushing his chair back. He walked over to the sink, gripping the counter with his hands and peering down at the drippping faucet. 

"Louis, I... I thought it'd be a good idea, you know? To take some female fans out. I thought it'd divert the attention from us somehow. God knows we need a lot less eyes on us. I just wanted to make it up to you, after what happened last time. "


By last time, he could have either meant that time at Nando's, or that time in the airport. 

You see, Harry has always been just one of those touchy-feely people, that was a commonly known fact. But Harry couldn't touch me-- he couldn't hug me or squeeze my knee or put his fingers through my hair or even look at me too long. But sometimes he slipped up. 

Like that time I was ordering our food at Nando's. It had been a long day, and Harry eyes were drooping with sleep. He thought it'd be alright if he just put his head on my shoulder and shut  his eyes for a moment it wouldn't be a big deal. And it wasn't, honestly. Well, to me at least. But the gossip magazines and pap had a different idea. 

But that incident was nothing sompared to the airport scene. I was coming home from a long week with my family in Doncaster, to celebrate my mothers engagement and catch up on old times. Harry tought it best if he went home to his own family, and so he did. He was picking up at the airport, and when he saw me his eyes grew wide and he practically ran to me. He scooped me into his arms and hugged the life out of me, even picking me up and spinning me round abit. Romantic as it was, Twitter was on fire for weeks, although some of the trends were deliciously innapropriate. 

Harry moved his hands from the counter and to his face, taking a deep breath. I didn't panic, becuase I knew if he were crying his shoulders would be shaking. 

"Harry... I... Let's just make the most of today, Alright?"

He turned around, and he was over to me in a matter of seconds. I et him envelope me in a hug, even though he was sticky and smelled. 

'Louis?" He mumbled into my neck. 

"Yeah, babe?" 

"Can you promise me that nothing will change when we're on tour? That we'll stay the same, you and I?" 

"Yeah, of course Harry." I smiled, running a comforting hand through his hair. 

I really did mean to keep that promise, I really did. But sometimes things just get all fucked up, and the people you love get hurt. 

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