The visit

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"You poor boy... so miss treated," a voice said from the shadows.

Rin slowly raised his head and asked in a shaking voice "who's there!"

The voice slowly started walking towards the bed.

"Don't be frightened." The voice said and came into the light.

"Mephisto Pheles! How- how did you get there!" Rin asked moving away from him.

"Well it wasn't that hard to do, but that's beside the point," Mephisto said climbing on the bed.

"Why don't you come with me... I can give you anything you want. You want money, I have a bunch. If you want sex, I'm one of the best. I Can get you anything... just come with me." Mephisto said putting his hand on Rins chin.

"No! No, I'm sorry. But I like it here!"

"Why Bon treats you like a dog.. don't you want to be more than a dog?" Mephisto said angrily

"He does not treat me like a dog! I'm staying here!"

"Oh rin.. why did you have to make this so hard," Mephisto said shaking his head.

Rin screamed at the top of his lounges hoping Bon would hear him.

"Shut up kid," Mephisto said before grabbing Rins arm and sticking a needle into his skin. Rin yelped in pain.

"What- what did you doo to," Rin said his vision blurring, and his head felt like it was spinning like crazy.

"Don't worry you'll be safe" Mephisto said with a grin.

Mephisto picks up Rin and jumps out the window running to the nearby car.

Bon comes dashing in when he heard the scream from the other side of the hallway.

"RIN!" Bon yelled slamming the door open.

His eyes widen when he looked at the window. He ran up putting his hands on the edge and looking out.

"RIN" he yelled. He caught a glimpse of a car driving out of the gated entrance.

"Fuck" he muttered.

Bon ran to check the others.

"Get the fuck up!" He yelled at shiemi

"What's wrong sir?" Shiemi question

"Rin... he's gone.." Bon said his heart breaking.

"Sir please sit down, I'll get the others," Shiemi said jumping out of her bed. 

"No I can't, I'm going to go see if I can find any leads!" Bon said turning around quickly and walking out of the room.

Bon travels back to Rin's room to see if anybody had left a fingerprint or anything to help determine who kidnapped Rin.

Not like Bon had to think to hard about who kidnapped rin it was Mephisto and there's no doubt about it.

Shiemi got everyone together, and the cars. Bon grabbed his laptop, 'good thing I have a tracker on him.' Bon looked it up and it looked like they were still on the interstate.

Bon headed downstairs and got in the car. They drove off and started following Mephisto's car.

Bon looked at the tracker they had pulled over. They were only a mile away now.

"We're closing in on them, everyone be alert!" Bon said. They got to the destination and did see any cars. Bon got out and turned on a flashlight so he could see.

He looked everywhere until he saw it. The tracker.

"FUCK!" Bon screeched, he grabbed the tracker, and got back in the car.

"Mephisto took the tracker off," Bon said

"What do you want to do boss?" Shiemi asked

"Go back to the house maybe we can get some more leads"

With that, they all drove back to the house.

-Narrator pov with Rin and Mephisto-

Mephisto had just thrown out the tracker and got back on the road. Rin was blacked out in the car. With Mephisto sitting next to him.

They drove to their secret hideout. When getting there Mephisto carried Rin inside, laying him softly on Mephisto's bed.

"You're perfect.." Mephisto mumbled under his breath as he laid Rin down.

Mephisto made sure to stay in the room waiting for him to wake. It was long after until Rin started to regain consciousness and open his eyes.

'Where am I? Why is it so dark?' Rin thought as he rubbed his eyes.

"Finally up sleeping head?"

Rin could see who was talking. "Bon?" He called out.

Mephisto turned on the light, rin gasped.

"Your that guy from the party! What do you want with me!" Rin yelped moving farther back on the bed.

"It's Mephisto.. and I don't know what I'm going to do with you.." Mephisto said walking closer to the bed.

"I could do so many things... I could use you for sex, sell you to someone else, make Bon pay money to have you back, or... kill you... kidding!" Mephisto laughed sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Don't be scared, I'm not going to do anything to you."

Rin relaxed and moved closer to him. "What do you want with me.."

"Like I said I don't want anything to do with you. But someone paid me to get you. He's dying to meet you!"

"Who!" Rin asked quickly.

"Well, why don't I go get him" Mephisto smiled and walked out the door.

'Great I'm in this hell hole now... ugh what to do. God who knows what this guy wants with me!" Rin's mind wouldn't stop running.

Rin got off the bed to look for ways out.

"He's in here.." someone said in the hallway. Rin quickly jumped back on the bed, as if he was doing nothing. The door slowly Creeps open...


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