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fae's twelfth day

i stayed beside michael, close enough for our skins to touch as we walked to school—which was only a couple of blocks from our house. the houses in this town were mostly deserted and probably meters away from each other. the whole place looked like a ghost town and i tried my best not to get creeped out. after all, this is where i'm living from now on. the fog wasn't as heavy today as it was yesterday. you could still see everything which was very helpful since my vision is not on its best today. my head was throbbing so bad at how late i slept last night, waiting for luke to reappear. waiting for five days actually.

i wonder why he stopped appearing in my room but whatever the reason is, i don't like it. i sighed and felt michael put his arm around me. i cringed and squirmed away slightly. "what are you doing?" ever since luke, i never got enough sleep causing me to get grumpy and easily irritated—even with michael.

"um," he looked at me questioningly but dropped his arm to his side nonetheless. we continued to walk in silence while i got lost in the thought of luke. what if i'm never going to see him again? it's like he just disappeared without any reason and i swear, i have a bad feeling about this. we reached the school grounds just twenty minutes before the bell rang which gave him time to show me around school. the building looked like as if it came out of a horror movie, with it's bricked walls with vines creeping all over the place, large tall pine trees that covered almost the entire construction. the whole place emitted a grayish cloud that finished the look of your usual creepy institution that were mostly seen in movies or games like silent hill.

there were approximately about fifty classrooms in the whole building, according to michael. most of them aren't used anymore since the student body is composed of only forty-three students. what's worse is that the school was about four floors tall with the classrooms located meters apart from one another. it's like the person who made this school wanted the people in it to get lost while looking for their classes and shit themselves in fear in the process. the ceiling was tall, completely out of reach for a normal person. it would take a giant to reach the top of it, which were made out of thick, multi-colored class. the inside of the it looked as unkept as it is from the outside, making me shiver at the thought of going here for the rest of my life. the hallways were nearly abandoned—there were only about five people here and some of them gave me funny looks. i mean of course, i was the new girl and out of all the towns i could move to, i'd go here. it's not like i have a choice anyway.

"how are you liking it so far?" michael asked as we stopped by his locker.

"i don't," i answered honestly just as two boys went up to michael with large grin on their faces. "hey mikey," the curly-haired boy greeted, patting his back. it took him a moment to acknowledge my presence but once he did, he gave me a weird look, before turning towards the boy with dark skin, who was also staring at me with knitted eyebrows. "who's this?" the curly-haired boy smiled widely at michael as if nothing ever happened.

"oh," michael blushed glancing back at me, "that's—"

"i'm fae," i answered for him, extending a hand towards the two boys. they just plainly stared at me, indicating that they do not have any intentions of befriending me whatsoever. i pulled my hand back as my face heated up in embarrassment.

"why is she with you?" the curly-haired boy questioned him, ignoring my introduction. he tilted his head to the side, narrowing his eyes at michael.

"she's my new sister," michael looked down at his shoes, "my parents adopted her." the curly-haired boy narrowed his eyes at michael again before standing up straight, "okay, we're heading to class now," he said as he dragged the other boy he was with away from us. the tan skinned boy looked back at us with a serious look as the curly-haired boy dragged him away.

"what's that about?" i asked michael. he kept quiet though and muttered something about going to class. i looked at him quietly and sighed, looking down at my schedule. i did my best to maneuver the hallways, trying my best not to get lost in this fucked up building. honestly, it gives me the creeps. thankfully, i remembered most of what michael showed me and got to my class with fifteen minutes to spare. it's better to be early than late, i suppose. i opened the door slightly, revealing an empty classroom. well, at first i thought it was empty since all the lights were off but as my eyes scanned the whole room, i saw two figures sitting on one of the students' desk near the window. my eyes landed on the curly-haired boy and the tan-skinned guy who were staring back at me. the curly-haired boy smirked widely at me, gesturing for me to come inside. "hi, there."



i hope u like this chapter and i hope this makes up for not updating

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{unedited bc i rushed the shit out of this}

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