Hcs because im sick😍😍🤭🤭😋😋😜😜💪💪🤞🤞

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Rui def has a bunch of stuffed animals

Rui = touch starved

Rui def does makeup like eyeliner etc

Tsukasa sits on ruis lap and does his eyeliner

They go on arcade dates

One time Rui and Tsukasa went to the fair and Tsukasa was literally terrified on half of the rides

They go on double dates with Emunene (im a multishipper so Mafuemu aswell)

Tsukasas the type to literally wait until midnight to put Christmas decorations up while Rui literally puts Halloween decorations up September first

They def scared kids Halloween night

Give full sized candy bars

Rui went as a vampire and Tsukasa went as a person Rui turned into a vampire

Tsukasa loves the mall and Rui doesn't

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