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Little a/n here, I ship emunene and mafuemu so if I make more project sekai oneshots emus lover might change
(also if you couldn't tell from the title this is angst) (comfort angst)
Third person pov
Rui, Nene and Emu had all just arrived at the mall. Emu and Nene were planning on going in a date but found out Rui had no plans and invited him.

"Rui i thought you were hanging out with Tsukasa-Kun today?" Emu asked she they walked into the mall.

"Tsukasa said he had work last minute so he couldn't hang out. I didn't even know he had a job." Rui said and softly laughed.

"Oh..Well atleast you get to hang out with us!" Emu said as nene grabbed onto her hand. "Yeah I guess.." Rui said as he looked down. He felt that when Tsukasa had told him about work he had been lying.

They began walking around the mall and in and out of different stores. "Can we stop at the food court? I'm hungry!" Emu said as she threw her arms up in the air, almost dropping her Claire's bag. (Idc what anyone says she shops at Claire's)

"Yeah sure it's right here anyways." Nene said as they walked closer to the food court. "Hey isn't that Tsukasa and.. Toya?" Nene said as they got closer.

"O-Oh it is.." Rui said looking down. "He ditched me to hang out with someone else.." Rui said softy smiling as tears filled his eyes.

"W-Wait Rui why don't we leave! We can go to other stores or something!" Emu said trying to cheer him up.

"Y-Yeah let's just go do that.." Rui said as he smiled at Emu. "Nene are you coming?" Emu asked. They had started walking but nene hadn't.

"I'll catch up with you guys. I need to do something real quick." Nene said as she began walking over to Tsukasa and Toya. "Wait nene!" Emu yelled but Nene was was already at their table.

Emu and Rui had just started walking to the other stores while Emu tried to cheer Rui up. "Emu can we sit down? I'm tired." Rui said as they saw tables. (You know that tables that are just in the middle of nowhere and not near the food court? Yeah those)

Rui began softy crying. "Awe Rui it's okay don't cry!" Emu said as she wiped his tears. "Am I that bad?" Rui said between tears. "No Rui don't think that that!" Emu said rubbing his back.

"He probably thinks I'm a weirdo like everyone else..." Rui said as he sobbed into his hands. "Oh Rui..." Emu said as she pulled him into a hug. He then began crying into her shoulder.

Meanwhile with Nene and Tsukasa...
"What the fuck Tsukasa! You tell Rui last minute you have 'work' and ditch him to hang out with Toya! He was so excited for this date! He had everything planned and payed for just for you to ditch him!" Nene yelled at Tsukasa.

"R-Ruis here?" Tsukasa asked as he turned white. "Yeah no fucking shit he's here! Imagine how much it hurt him to see his boyfriend ditching him!"
Nene yelled.

"You're such an asshole Tsukasa! You could have just told him and I'm sure he would've understood! But no you fucking ditched him and lied to him!" Nene said as she grabbed her bags she had dropped on the floor.

"W-Wait where's Rui at?" Tsukasa asked. Toya had already left due to Nenes yelling. "Why? So you can hurt him even more?" Nene said.

She had calmed down from her little rant or whatever you would call it. She was very protective of Rui. Especially since he got hurt a lot. (Mentally not physically)

"No I want to apologize to him." Tsukasa said. "I don't know where he is. He left with Emu so she could cheer him up. You're coming with me to look for them so you can apologize." Nene said as she began walking.

They eventually found Emu and Rui, still in the same position as before with Emus arms around Rui as he sobbed into her shoulder. He was still crying just not as much.

"R-Rui.." Tsukasa said as he ran over and hugged him. "Don't fucking touch hi-" Nene said but was cut off by Emu grabbing her hand and pulling her into the seat next to her. "Nene it's fine just let him apologize." Emu said as she put her head on Nenes shoulder.

"Fine." Nene said as she held Emus hand. "Rui im so sorry for ditching you! I never meant to hurt you!" Tsukasa said as Rui kept crying except it was into his shoulder instead of Emus. (Tf is up with Rui and shoulders)

"It's fine Tsukasa. I understand that you want to hang out with other people. I can't keep you from that." Rui said wiping his tears. "No it's not okay. It wasn't right for me to lie and ditch you like that. I'm so sorry and I promise I'll make it up to you." Tsukasa said as he rubbed Ruis back.

"Theres no need Tsukasa." Rui said as Tsukasa grabbed his hand. "No Rui I really do. I hurt you and I can never forgive myself."(Dramatic much)

Anyways then they lived happily ever after and spent the rest of summer break hanging out even though it's not summer <33

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