Who's there?

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As I was taking my usual 3:00 AM walk around campus, I spotted a dark figure out of the corner of my eye. I'm always the only one up at this time, so I was a bit worried but figured it was just one of the local campus squirrels. With my mind more at ease, I continued on my walk. It was a full moon tonight and bright, dazzling stars filled the sky. Everything seemed calm and quiet. But as I was rounding the corner near gally, I saw the figure again. Now I was really freaked out. I started galloping back toward my dorm room but was tackled, hitting the cold hard pavement with a loud thud.

As I came to my senses, I tried to get a better look at what had attacked me. My vision was still blurry from the fall but from what I could tell it was hairy, large, and had sharp claws. After a few moments, my vision cleared and I immediately knew who it was. Father Maher was on top of me, pinning me down with a firm grip on my wrists. I could feel his hot breath on my face. I tried to scream but my voice betrayed me and no sound would come out. Not even campo could save me now. He was wild, savage even. Father Maher had gone feral.

Feral FatherWhere stories live. Discover now