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Natasha POV:

I open my eyes, wondering if it all had just been a dream, a nightmare from my past coming to visit me, to take me back to hell only for the night. But once I feel the burning ache in my stomach, I know it's real, and I know that they're not spirits back to haunt me, but widows come to claim my soul as theirs. I try to sit up, but a stabbing pain makes me hiss in pain and lay back down.

"Nat?" I hear Bruce's voice, concerned from across the room, his glasses perched up on his nose and a clipboard held close to his chest. "Thank god your okay, this place wouldn't have been the same without you." I've noticed his little crush on me, but my heart still belongs to the Russian that stole it all those years ago. "Bruce?" my voice cracks, my throat dry. I sip on the water next to the hospital bed in the medical-quarters we have in the Avengers tower. "How did you know to come get us? Did you get the girls who did this? Is Cap okay?" I ask my questions fast, needing my answers. He clears his throat. "Since our elder, Steve doesn't really know how a cellphone works, he let us know over the coms that something went wrong. When we got there you were shot and he was beaten up pretty badly, you're both okay, and we think we found who did it. Girls you say?" He switches on his video footage on his tablet.

The two of them were pacing around in a shatterproof glass room. "Я говорил тебе, что нам нужно переезжать, Злата! Но ты просто должен был, блядь, проверить ее!" my sister scolds the beautiful girl, her black curls prominent against her olive skin. She was always teased for her darker complexion in the program, but it made her strong and her strength drew me to her. "Бля, Лена! Мне это сейчас не нужно." Her frown deepens as she thinks. She's still as beautiful as she was all those years ago.

[T- I told you we had to fucking move, Zlata! But you just had to fucking check on her! 2- Fuck, Lena! I don't need this now. ]

She stand up and whispers something in my sisters ear, jealousy flaring up inside of me. Did something happen between them while I was gone? They start looking around the room before spotting the camera, a smile spreading across her beautiful features, she walks up to it, her face now inches from the screen. "Кто бы вы ни были, наблюдая за нами, отпустите нас, или вы пожалеете. Это не предупреждение, это обещание." she says before ripping the camera off the wall, a black screen now on Bruce's tablet. "What'd she say?" he asks me with his eyebrow raised. "That we should let them go or we'll be sorry, the normal shit," I answer before laying down in the bed, turning my back to him.

[T- Whoever you are, watching us, let us go, or you will be sorry. This is not a warning, this is a promise.]

She checked on me? Does she still care? Could there still be a chance for us? I sigh closing my eyes. I don't know why I'm still hoping, she's given up on us long ago, I should too.

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