The Search

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"Detective Reed?" Connor called with a frown as he looked around the reception area. His voice echoed slightly in the cavernous space. They'd been gone for a good few hours. It had been nice, spending time with his revolutionary friends. Progress had been quite slow. They'd only searched a few of the lower floors before his arrival. The building was still largely a chaotic mess of unfinished androids and mechanical debris. The humans had destroyed pretty much anything to hand to hide whatever they'd been up to. It was standard procedure for large tech companies like Cyberlife. Data was always sensitive, and they wouldn't want competitors to get their hands on it. Fortunately, a lot of the androids working with them had the skills to restore a lot of the machinery, and perhaps even a few of the files hidden within.

Connor had been quietly excited to return and show Reed what they'd found. They'd brought ten unique models back with them. RK900s. Upgraded versions of himself. He'd been a little unnerved by them at first, and they were a little rough around the edges as far as personalities go, but they were still a vital find. The most advanced androids Cyberlife had ever created. Connor tried not to think about what that would have meant for his own model. What use would Cyberlife have had for his own substandard line after the release of the RK900? It's likely he would have been destroyed. Or worse. The imposing androids stood patiently as Connor and his four Jericho companions looked at each other.

"The Detective should be here," Connor said cautiously, hazel eyes wide and wary. He'd known Reed long enough to know he wouldn't just walk off or leave without a reason or sending a message. Connor double checked his internal systems, making sure he hadn't missed anything before idly looking around for some form of written note. Markus nodded his agreement as he scanned the area. He could pick out Reed's footprints, circling the room to the doors before turning back towards the interior. He'd definitely headed further inside rather than out. Connor tried to call Reed using his internal communications, but he couldn't connect. Wherever he was, he'd either turned off his phone, run out of battery, or the signal was blocked.

"We could check the camera feeds," Simon prompted as he pointed up at the sleek white cameras that moved and shifted around the room. It was strange. He hadn't noticed they were active before. That didn't necessarily mean anything though. Their people had been fixing inactive systems all over the place. Markus nodded as he headed to the terminal to interface with it. Connor joined him, looking over his shoulder as a slightly grainy camera feed appeared. He watched as Reed headed to the front doors before turning with his gun drawn. Someone tried to lead him somewhere...It was obvious as he watched the doors open and close.

"Where did he go next?" Connor asked in an almost urgent tone, watching as Markus moved the footage on and accessed another camera in the hall. They watched Reed circle the walkway hesitantly. He seemed curious, green eyes searching around above for signs of life, ignoring the massive statue and quiet gardens below. He was following a row of floor lights, gun held ready just in case. He paused before the open lift doors, definitely thinking before he stepped inside. Connor watched him slam into the glass as his instincts urged him to change his mind. A simple fight-or-flight response. It was too late. He was trapped inside. The lift dropped out of sight and kept going.

"We should go after him. There's no telling what's on the lower levels," Josh suggested warily, though Connor himself was unconcerned about the bowels of the tower. They were empty. He knew that because he was the one who'd emptied them. At the same time, it was worrying that someone had led him down there. Connor nodded his agreement before leading the way. One of the RK900 androids opted to follow while the other nine waited by the doors. It was strange seeing another android so much like himself. He was ever so slightly taller and broader, and his steps sounded just that bit heavier.

"Is this human your handler?" the RK900 asked in a slightly deeper tone of his own voice. It was ever so slightly unsettling. Usually, Cyberlife would design a completely new model, and yet they'd kept his appearance the same. What were they planning to do with my model? A shiver ran down his spine as he realised there was only one thing they would ever do with an inferior model. All those times Amanda had said he would be recalled if he failed. It never occurred to him to think of what would happen if he succeeded. If he'd completed that mission and returned home like an obedient hunting dog, would he have been shut down right away? Or would they have waited for the full line of RK900s to be completed? He didn't like the thought of another android going to the DPD. Sitting at his desk. Working with Hank. Would Hank have gotten attached to a new android? Would he have taken him home and let him play with Sumo? Would he have missed the old Connor?

He couldn't help thinking that he was now an inferior model. The word inferior stung when he thought about it. Until now, he'd been the most advanced of all androids, so it was odd to suddenly find the RK900s. He could tell from his scans that they'd improved upon his original design quite a bit. They had more processing power, which made them a little quicker when working out problems. They were also able to complete more tasks, run more programs, and possessed a more advanced internal laboratory system. Their casing was far superior, too. Likely bulletproof, judging by the material. They'd been made physically faster and stronger, and Cyberlife had altered his appearance slightly. The RK900 was heavier, with much stronger features. They were an intimidating sight. Especially the almost unsettling, piercing silvery eyes.

"No. As we explained earlier, androids are free beings now. Detective Reed and I are co-workers at the DPD," Connor replied stiffly, though he knew the RK900 didn't really understand. It would take time for them to fully absorb their new situation. They couldn't be deviated. Something in their programming absolutely rejected it. The only thing they'd been able to do for them since activation was turn off their deviant hunting protocols and reset their registries so that they could choose their own handlers once they'd decided what to do with themselves. Whether they would develop the ability to deviate in the future was unknown, but for now, they were stuck. Machines without purpose.

"Working for the DPD must be...quaint." Something about the RK900's wording rubbed Connor the wrong way. It sounded like he looked down on his chosen career path, and yet this is what he was originally designed for. He also knew that the RK900 wasn't capable of that. He wasn't a deviant. That meant he didn't feel things in the same way that deviants did. "The work must suit you." The RK900 maintained the barest hint of superiority. Connor's hazel gaze snapped up to regard him warily. I thought they couldn't feel things like that, and yet...

"It is an efficient use of my abilities," Connor agreed in a neutral tone, looking away as they reached the bottom floor. His brow pinched as he saw the deactivated RK800 lying where he and Hank had left it. Forgotten. Discarded. I'm sorry...Connor approached and crouched down, laying a regretful hand on the android's stiff shoulder. He could feel Markus approach behind him. The dead android's hazel eyes were dull, staring at nothing. The hole in his forehead was deep and blue, though the trails of thirium on his pale skin had lost colour now. "There's nothing down here, so where did he go?" Connor wondered finally as he got to his feet.

"There is one more laboratory below this level. It is a secret facility where early test models are perfected before being put into full production." The RK900's tone suggested he was surprised by Connor's lack of knowledge. "The elevator is this way," he added as he led the way across to the small metal lift, which he had to call up. The group stepped inside and the RK900 pressed his hand to the outside of the panel, hacking it. "This elevator is only supposed to work for humans. Luckily, I was created with the ability to override such inconveniences," he continued with the barest hint of smugness. Connor said nothing as he tightened his jaw worriedly. Something had led Detective Reed down there and left him unable to make contact.

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