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The world was still spinning as he opened his eyes. His head was throbbing. So was his shoulder. He groaned as he tried to move, but the pain that shot through his shoulder was enough to convince him that was a really fucking bad idea. Opening his eyes was also a fucking bad idea. The room was too bright. It was also not what he'd expected. He blinked a few times to be sure. He swore he could hear birds somewhere. He held back a whimper as he realised his hands had been tied behind his back, despite the unhealed wound in his shoulder. His shoes had been removed, but besides that, he was still fully dressed. Well, thank phck for that...

A grunt escaped as he turned his head to look around the huge room. He was on the biggest bed he'd ever seen. It was larger than a king, with crisp white sheets and a pile of plush pillows. There was a built-in wardrobe, or at least a row of tall cupboards, along one wall. There were grey dressers on either side of the huge bed, and a larger set of drawers off to the side. There was also a large writing desk and an office chair, and further off he could see a black leather sofa. The carpet was a much paler grey that complemented the other furnishings. The most garish thing about the room was the huge glass wall running along one side. That explains the light. There were no curtains. How the phck could anyone sleep in here?

He didn't have time to be impressed. He was alone for now, but he had no idea when someone may come by to check up on him. He closed his eyes again, scrunching his nose and biting into one of the pillows as he moved his fingers. He tried to feel the restraints. They weren't cuffs. They weren't zip ties either. The edges were smooth and perfect. He couldn't feel a lock of any kind. Hell, there wasn't even a seal! He settled for twisting his hands, pressing his fingers together to make them as small as possible. He twisted and pulled. Thin edges dug into his wrists. They were sharp. Some sort of metal?

Where the phck am I? Why did she bring me here? Reed whimpered as he continued to pull his arms and hands. Each small movement sent an aching jolt through his shoulder, and he was slowly working up a stinging burn in his wrists. He'd probably drawn blood by now. This fucker must be insanely rich! What the hell does he want with a small time homicide detective? Surely nothing good. He didn't know how he'd managed to piss off a mob boss, but he was pretty sure he'd be dead within the next hour or so if he didn't get free.

"You're awake!" She sounded cheerful as she opened the door. She'd changed her clothes. She was wearing a similar dress, but in a softer shade of pink. Her LED whirled yellow as she took in his physical state. "I'm sorry. I would have returned sooner if I'd known you'd hurt yourself," she added apologetically as she padded across the carpet. There were matching pink pumps on her delicate feet. Gavin grunted into the pillow as his struggles intensified. There was no way he was about to get killed without a fight.

"Back the phck up!" he snapped as he rolled across the bed, away from the android. She almost looked concerned. "I'm a police officer, a detective! Do you seriously think you can just kidnap me from right outside the station and get away with it?" He was annoyed that his voice trembled, and not just from nerves. He was in so much pain he was going insane. His painkillers were well overdue, and his shoulder wasn't thanking him for it. The android held her hands up, much like she was appeasing a scared animal.

"Please, there are important matters to discuss. Won't you cooperate?" She sounded as sweet as she looked, but this wasn't the time for compromises.

"You phcking kidnapped me! I've been cuffed and held here against my will, and now you want to talk? If you want to talk so badly, pick up a phcking phone!" Reed yelled, backing away as the android made her way around the bed. She winced slightly at both his volume and his tone. If she hadn't seen the results, she wouldn't have believed it herself. They were just so different, though there was something in the slope of their jaws, and the green of their eyes.

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