Faint line(an:-also a special thanks)

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AN:-before I start I like to give a warm thanks to all of you since my book seokjin centric oneshots book reached 1.58k reads! I never imagined it to go this far. It was a stupid idea born out of boredom which reached so far. I would also like to give a special thanks to one of my readers also my friend who gives me wonderful ideas to write oneshots on. Thankyou Anjali(hope that is your name cause wattpad was not showing your account). Also to each one of the readers who thought that my book was worth to be added in your reading list/my book is worth your time, THANKYOU!
With luv,
Author 💜
There is a faint line between life and death....a faint line. The space between this life and death is what people call it as after life. Most of the times souls enter after life with no problems. Sometimes some souls are not able to. So they just wander......wander in the endless, listless abyss of  darkness and loneliness where no one can help them to get that safe warm place known as after life. Unless someone can see them.....someone who can see the dead.....

"MOM! DAD!" 10 year old seokjin screamed as he gathered his legs together not believing what he was seeing. "Honey are you ok?" Jin's mom came in turning the lights on as his father too followed. "Look there.....he won't let me sleep daddy" Jin said as tears rolled down his face and pointed towards the empty dark corner of his room. His parents eyes followed the empty corner. There was nothing there. But through jin's eyes, there sat a man...his skin rotten green, should have been dead. But was not. A look of emptiness in his eyes. As foul blood spilled from the side of his neck  on to the soft pink armchair that belonged to jin.
His father sighed as his mother too started to cry a little. "Jin...shhh calm down sweetheart." He said rubbing the little boys back. "Can you do what daddy will ask you to do?" He asked. The little boy just nodded his head. "Will you ask him......what does he wants?" He said.

"Whh..aa.t do you want?" He asked in between sniffles. "Peace" was what that man on the chair said. "He said he wants peace." Jin said as fresh warm tears fell down. His mother took the boy in her lap as she rocked him back and forth trying to calm him. "Sweetheart...will you ask him how we can do so?" His father said.  Jin asked. But the spirit never replied. He just walked away.

Seokjin was a person who can see the dead. He can hear them. He can feel them. His job? To help them get to the afterlife. So he helped them. Yes he was young and scared but his parents always helped him and he was grateful for that. As he grew up. So did his fear. He got used to it,but still he used to get scared easily.

(10 years later)
(Seokjin pov)

I was in kitchen. Dinner was on me today. "Be careful....too much of spinach can overpower the sweet taste of sugar. A little less spinach" the kind spirit of the dorm we lived in said. I smiled and said a small thankyou, as I put a little less spinach than I intended to. "What are you doing?" I flinch a little as I hear the sudden voice and a pair of arms snaking around my waist. "Dont worry it's me!" I heard a deep voice say with a deep chuckle. I sigh. "You scared me joonie!" I complain but the said man just snuggles closer. "So what are you doing?" He asked again. "Making a meso soup." I said. "I love meso soup!" He said showing me his dimples I smile and continue my work. "Geez both of you go get a room....not everyone finds it cute to see a pda couple in your own house" a short pale skinned boy said as he opened the firgde door. I roll my eyes and say "yoongi..." to which he just chuckled. I felt a cold sensation. It was new. Someone was new. And I was right, in came a white pale skinned girl with the same emptiness in her eyes. She was dead  I look at her. She was looking yoongi. She didn't seemed to have good intentions. She just looked terrifying. I shiver. Something which happens whenever there is a bad spirit near. "Are you ok hyung?" Namjoon asks looking at me. "Ye..es am fine." I say. "No you are not...you are shivering!" Yoongi said looking at me and coming towards me. The white pale women followed him. I really don't think she have good intentions for yoongi. "Are you ok? You don't seem to have fever."yoongi said. " am good yoongi....." I say smiling. "I think we should cancel tomorrow's interview. You need rest." Namjoon said. "No its fine we will go to the interviewer tomorrow " I say. "Are you sure hyung?" Yoongi asked in a worried tone. "Yes....yes let's get out of here.....I mean lets eat." I say, hoping that the spirit stays in kitchen.

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