Safe and Sound pt2

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An:- mentions of non consensual sexual acts. Abuse.

Namjoon pov
"How is it possible that a complete stranger gave away his sister to someone from an enemy country?" Yoongi said inspecting the little girl who was sleeping. I sigh. "Listen, I really don't think he had a bad intention....nor do this little girl." I said. "What makes you think so?" Hoseok said rolling his eyes. "I mean! Come to think of it! Why in the whole world will he even HELP me if he thought of ME AS A BAD GUY? DONT IT MAKES SENSE!" I say. "Shhh I think she is getting up!" Taehyung said who was tending to the little girl.

We crowd looking towards her. Jungkook and jimin both the nurses looking as taehyung lifted her head in his lap and hoseok and yoongi were looking at her. Soon she fluttered open her almond eyes. Brown in colour....why do I think I remeber those eyes? I will help you. They were the same eyes as the young man who saved me. She opens and looks around for a while confused, then as if a realization struck her she gets panicked and says, "who are you all? Where is my brother? Where is jinnie!" She asks tears forming in her eyes. "Calm down little girl calm down" hoseok said patting her head. "No tell me what you did to jinnie! I want him!" She said as tears fell down from those almond eyes down the chubby cheeks. I sigh and reach out to her, "hey...calm down....tell me your name ok? You remeber me? Your brother and you saved me. My name is Namjoon" I said. She looked at me and gasped. "Yes! I remember you! Are you good though?" She asks tilting her head sideways looking with the same innocent eyes. I chuckle and say, "am good...are you feeling good now?" She looks at me with sadness and says, "Noo cause there ain't jinnie with jiya"

I sigh, "I remember that your brother was running away from some one...can you tell us who? We can save your brother!" I say. "YES! I know him! He was running away from Zane! He is bad...very bad! He tried to hurt Jiya and jinnie too!" She says as an expression of anger fills her face. "Please help him........I wan him" she says hiccuping. "Hey don't cry baby....." jimin said hugging the younger. "Dont worry I will get him" I say patting her back, "Promise?" She asks. "Promise" I say.

(Seokjin pov)
I was blindfolded. I didn't knew where I was. Or what time it was, what about Jiya? "Jiya!" I scream trying to get up and run but my hands were tied with something as I get pulled back. "Jiya!" I call out again. Was she ok? Was leaving her with a stranger the right decision?  What was his name....nam....nam....joon? Something like that. Was sh.."Shh calm down.....seokjin....calm down" that voice. That chilling demonic voice. That same voice who killed my mother and my father, right infront of my and my sisters eyes. "Zane leave me! You are a monster!" I yell. "Say that again and I kill you" "I know you wont" I say. "You are right." He says, I bet he might have smirked by his tone. "How can I kill my play doll? Huh?" He says. I feel something get in my shirt. A hand.

"Stop it Zane please" I say. "Shhh" I feel the hand get out and  I yelp as I feel it squeez my butt. "No please stop" I say. My voice quivering. "Say it love..." 

(Namjoon pov)
We need to take Zane down, he was the one who did everything wrong, spreading fake news and rumors about each other causing hate among the people , causing this stupid war which is good for no one. And I also need to save Jin cause I promised Jiya.  our team has been trying to get him for the past 10 years I taking the commande few months ago. I did progressed thanks to the efforts of our past officers and their sacrifices. I was on spy duty when his men fired bullets on me. They probably think am dead.

"Commander I have the information about Zane and his men" one of my soldier said to me. I take the piece of paper with a bunch of coordinates written on it. I frown a little, "I finally have you Zane."

(Seokjin pov)
I layed there with pain in my whole body praying to just die. I don't even know how long it had been since it happened. I feel disgusted. In my self. Disgusted in myself. I let it happen.. I heard some shouting and bombing out side. I guess finally I can be free. I heard a gunshot. Before I blacked out.

(Namjoon pov)
We were in hospital waiting on a news about Jin. Jiya was sitting there impatiently stumbling and walking. While taehyung took care of her. I was prowling around with worry. I can not let the person who saved my life die. "Dude why are you so freaking worried." Yoongi asked who was sitting there with a cast around his arm. The mission was successful. Just yoongi got a fractured arm. "Dont you get it.....he saved my life!" I said. "Bruh he just save your life once...i have saved your life litreally sooo many times...." yoongi said rolling his eyes. "And haven't I saved you too?" I say. "Yeah whatever." Yoongi said. "Why do you care......say the truth you like him don't you?" Hoseok said. "Gosh i just met him once in my life." I said. "Thats at first site." Hoseok said in a voice you did expect any high-school musical character to have.

"Are you for Seokjin?" A doctor in
white asks as jimin followed him. "Yes! We are here for him" I exclaimed. Everyone crowded the doctor. "Well am doctor taemin." He said. "Just tell us how is he!" I said. "Well he is good. Now." He says with a smile. "Really!?" Jiya exclaimed "yes! You can meet him." The doctor said smiling as Jiya giggled and took jimins hand and walked towards the room. "However. " the doctor said once Jiya was out of sight. "You see. We found a tear near his skin. And well....we just wanted to make sure it is not what we think so we did a test. We found some samples........we think that it was a forced act with out a consent. Apart from that, there were 3 broken ribs, which will heal soon, and just few bruises and cuts." The doctor said. "Man am I so happy to kill that monster." Hoseok said. I don't know why I felt extremely mad at Zane. And want to protect jin. But why?

(Jin pov)
A beep is what I heard. Am I in heaven? Or hell? I can't breath. I heard the beep again. And again. It was annoying. Something heavy was on my chest. I tried to move my hand but a sharp pain made me keep it down. I should probably open my eyes. Yes.

I move my eyes, my eyelids felt heavy. I try to force them open. The white light pierce through my eyes. "Ahh" I groan as I try to get up. The weight on my chest was still there. "Let me help" I heard a voice. I look at the hand which reached near my chest, it was Jiya who sleeping on top of me. I stop the hand reaching from her. "Who...who are you?" I say in a hoarse voice. "Look at me jin.....its the same person you saved that night." I look up to see the same dragon eyes I saw yesterday? Few days ago? Few weeks ago? Months ago? But i knew he won't hurt Jiya, he picked the sleeping figure carefully, making sure not to wake her up and placed her on the couch.

I try to get up but it hurts to move. "Its ok, I'll help." He says as he makes me sit. I sit as he adjusts the pillow. "Better?" He asks. "Yes....thankyou" I say. "Let me get you water!" He says as he brings a glass of water. I carefully take it in feeling better than before. "I should be the one who should thank you" he says. "No need. It should be Jiya you need to thank....if she wouldn't have ran towards you... i wouldn't have saved you" I say. "Well am extremely grateful for her too." He says rubbing his neck. "Whats your name?" I ask. "Namjoon. Kim namjoon" he says. "Won't you ask my name?" I say. "Well no need your sister already said that your name is j-" "jinnie!" I heard Jiya yell as she run towards me and jumps up. "Jinnie i missed you" she says hugging me. "Dont cry sweet pea." I say kissing the top of her head. She snuggles closer, I look up towards the man who was looking at us, "seokjin.....I mean my name" I say smiling. He smiles as well

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