𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦

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Renva stood between Queen Alicent and Princess Rhaenyra as she watched her father and brother pack the last of their things

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Renva stood between Queen Alicent and Princess Rhaenyra as she watched her father and brother pack the last of their things. Rickon decided to leave the next morning instead of that night. It gave Renva time to collect herself and stop her tears before they left.

"I will miss you my young wolf, your brother should be here in a week's time, he's decided to ride alone which lets the horses travel faster." Renva gave a slight nod to her father as he placed a hand upon her cheek.

"I shall make you proud here. I will write to you when I get the chance." Renva turned to her brother who had just approached. "I will miss you Ranvir, and I'm sure Signe will miss Nika." Renva gave her brother a tight hug which he gladly returned. Glancing at the two direwolves who seemed like they were saying their own goodbyes, Renva almost shed a tear. She would not give the Queen the satisfaction in seeing her cry.

"We will take good care of Renva, Lord Rickon. You have my word." Rhaenyra said, placing a hand on the young girl's shoulder. "I'm sure you will, Princess. Thank you again for hosting us and allowing my daughter to stay." Rickon gave his daughter a hug before he placed a hand on his youngest son's upper back and guided him into the carriage.

Once the carriage door shut behind her father and brother, Renva took a deep breath, almost as if she was preparing herself for the weeks to come. Ranvir peeked his head out of the window one last time to give his sister a small wave, to which she returned. It was only a moment after their wave that the carriage started moving out of the Red Keep.

The carriage was out of sight when Renva turned to the Queen. "If you may excuse me, Baela, Rhaena and Helena invited me to practice our embroidery together." Renva bowed her head, a gesture which she believed the Queen did not afford from her. Renva didn't stop to look back at either the Queen or Princess, she wanted to get as far away as she could from this courtyard.


The guard that stood post at Helena's chamber door allowed her in. As she walked in Renva spotted Prince Daemon's twin girls, on their embroidery looms Renva noticed them making the Velaryon house crest. Renva smiled to herself, she knew the two girls had also lost her mother, it was new all over the kingdom how Laena went out by Vhagar's fire. She was proud of the two however that they are still honoring their mothers house. Glancing at Helena, on her loom was a spider, what kind she didn't know.

She heard Helena say what some would deem 'weird things', Renva however knew her Valaryian history. She knew about dragon dreamers and she had a high speculation that Helena was one. In front of Helena on the floor sat her own twins, both with white hair. Renva could only tell them apart by the outfits they wore. Jaehaerys in boys attire and Jaehaera in a dress that Renva swore could fit a doll.

"Hello Princesses." Renva gave a slight bow. Walking over to the last open seat which was next to Helena, Renva picked up a loom for herself. She wanted to make a pattern for Cregan, to show how grateful she was for him coming to her aid. First however she had to practice before she attempted to put it on clothing. "Hello Renva, I take it your father has left?" Helena spoke softly to her. She knew Helena didn't mean it in a mean way, the girl had not one bad bone in her body. "Yes, they departed right before I came here. It saddens me to see them go but I know that I will be in good hands here." It seemed that all Renva was capable of doing was lying through her teeth. She did not feel safe here without her family.

"Time will pass swiftly, Renva. I just know it." Baela spoke kindly to Renva, Rhaena hearing her sisters words gave a smile to the lone girl. The girls then plunged into silence, each girl focusing on their own embroidery loom, the only noise being from the two children who were playing with one another. The first to leave was Rhaena, having finished her pattern she informed her sister that their father was planning a lesson for them to practice their High Valyrian. Rhaena excused herself, Renva gave her a small smile. If she were to be here by herself she would try to make as many allies as she could.

Baela was next to leave, along with the nannies and the young twins. Helena noted it was their nap time and asked them to be brought to their chamber to sleep. Leaving just Renva and Helena, Renva was mid-stitch when the door burst open, scaring her and making her poke her finger. Quickly putting her finger in her mouth to stop the bleeding she glanced at the door to see who the intruder was.

Prince Aemond stood at the door, his hair tied half back to stay out of his face.

"Excuse my intrusion, I thought Princess Helena to be alone, I saw Prince Daemon's daughters in the Library." Aemond said in his usual monotone voice. Renva made eye contact with him, "I can leave if you need to talk in private. It's not a big deal." Renva said as she stood to get up and put her loom away. "That won't be necessary, Aemond normally comes to visit me and my children after his training session. It seems however brother your session ran late, the twins are taking their naps." Helena said, glancing back down at her loom.

"I shall leave you too then." Aemond turned to walk away as he and Renva heard a gasp and the sound of a loom dropping to the floor. Turning to Helena they saw her in a daze, Aemond rushed to his sisters and grabbed her face in his hands. "Helena, you must snap out of it. Helena!" His voice grew with concern for his sister. However her attention did not waver. She looked towards Renva who stood still not knowing what to do. "The whispers will come, and with them the choice of black or white. Both will lead to darkness, neither to light. The lone wolf will decide the fate of the pack." Helena spoke before slumping against her brother's arms. 

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 • Jacaerys VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now