Evren and Ece

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Evren! Evren! Evren!

  He could hear in the distance someone desperately screaming his name. He puts his hand on his face and tries to get up very slowly, his whole body hurts. When he looks at his hand, blood runs between his fingers. The brightness bothers his eyes.

  - Evren! Evren! Evren!

  Suddenly, as if in a snap, he realizes what is happening, and he recognizes whose voice is screaming his name! ECE!

  Her slender, tiny body, living up to the nickname he'd given her, struggling with all her might to avoid getting into the car forced by Yağiz.

  Evren manages to get up and feels his bones crack. Possessed by a rage he's never felt before, he catches up with them both.
  And before Yağiz can have any reaction, Evren releases Ece from his grasp, grabbing him by the collar. While he yells at her to stay away!

Yağiz is on the ground! Evren with his knees bent over his chest! His hand closed, ready to punch his already bloodied face!

  - Evren please! Please! Enough! Please!
  When he looks at Ece crying desperately, begging him to stop, before something worse, much worse happens.

  Evren was never able to control his anger that way, he was used to going to the extreme without caring what people thought of him, because people were usually afraid of him, and that made him braver.

  But now, looking at her, crying and begging him to stop, he was consumed with a different kind of fear, the fear of rejection, the fear of hurting someone.

He stopped! He got off Yağiz who was moaning in pain. He looked down at his hands and cursed what he'd just done!

  He felt Ece hugging him shyly, so he hugged her back, tighter. She cried, cried a lot, and he smelled her with his face buried in the crook of her neck, "I could die here" he thought.

  After a few seconds that felt like hours, they slowly walk away, Evren looks at Ece who has swollen eyes from crying.
  His expression changes, he's very worried, anxious, his heart beating wildly.

  He gently wipes the tears from her face with his thumbs. Ece feels a shiver running up his spine.

  - Are you okay? - Evren asks with a hoarse but soft voice.
  - I am fine! And are you okay? - Ece asks, while running his fingers over the newly opened wound on his brow.

  A deep silence takes over the place, you could almost hear the rhythmic beating of their hearts.

  Evren had never felt so selfish in his life, but he wanted that moment to freeze, to never end, and he knew he would never forget that, because it was the first time in his life that he felt at peace, that he felt truly complete. .

  Ece felt Evren's warm hand on her back, gently finding a comfortable place on her waist, she was nervous, it felt like the air she breathed wasn't enough to fill her lungs.

  Her hand before her eyebrow goes down to her jaw, caressing the soft beard that covers her face, as if by magic, Evren closes her eyes and cradles her face to the touch of her hand, it seems that everything was done perfectly for her. fit, her hand, his face, her scent, the heart that misses the beat with a simple touch.

  Every minute away from her felt like torture, without a second thought, he leans closer to her face. It felt like they were sharing the same air.

  - Evren - She whispers

  His hand tightens around her waist in response, bringing her closer, and he kisses her, fearfully at first, but when he feels her hands around his neck, caressing her lightly curled hair shyly, his body relaxes, that was the permission he wanted.

  They kiss for what seems like seconds, but only realize it when they need air again.

  Resting his head on her forehead, he looks her in the eyes and smiles, he can't remember the last time he smiled so spontaneously.

Ece on the other hand, timidly covers her face with her hands.  As she hides in his chest.

-Hey!  Do not do it!  Let me see you!  -He says, while brushing a few strands of hair from her face,
- I want to see you like this... Every day!

- Every day??  - She asks scared

- Yea.  Every day!  'Cause I feel like you've ruined me for anyone else!

They hear clapping being sarcastically clapped.

- It's beautiful to see how pathetic you two are!  Especially you, Ece!  -Says Yağiz as he gets up from the ground with the last strength he has.
- Do you know the kind of life he leads, Ece?  - He says as he gets up and walks towards them.
- Always hiding, pretending that your father isn't one of the worst people in Turkey, and that your mother didn't leave just because of that!!

Evren feels his blood boiling.  Rage is consuming him, eyes red.  He advances on Yağiz, who is startled by the reaction.
He grabs him by the collar and pushes him hard against the wall of the parking lot they were in.

Repeat!  Repeat, if you dare!  - Said Evren

- You know what I'm saying is true Evren!  You can beat me, even kill me!  But it won't change the fact that I'm telling the truth!  You know it won't last, you know that sooner or later your fairy tale will go down the drain!  And the only culprit will be yourself!

Evren knows that Yağiz is telling the truth, he was never able to open up to anyone, for him to hide, avoid exposing his life, his feelings, his past, it was always the best thing to do!  He never thought he could trust anyone, but Ece had somehow come into his life so surreptitiously, and stirred up so many feelings, that he was feeling anxious, confused, and mostly afraid, a terrible fear of what might happen in the future!

Placing his hands between them and pulling them apart, Ece said in a steady voice, and stronger than usual.  - Evren!  Enough!  Enough!

He stopped, looked at her, and dropped his hands.

- Come with me, let's go!

He was.  He looked like he was mesmerized by her.  She led him by the hand to the car, ignoring Yağiz's existence.

The trip was completely silent, they could only hear the noise of the wiper on the window, taking out the heavy rain that fell.

- I'll take you home!  You need to rest!
Said Evren without even looking at her!

I'm going to your house!  You won't be alone tonight!  - Ece said with such confidence that even she was surprised.

Evren and Ece Where stories live. Discover now