Q U O T E -124

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My dad, growing up, would actually encourage me to FAIL. So, I would come home from school and he would say to my brother and me: "So what'd you guys FAIL at this week?" And if I didn't have something he would ACTUALLY be disappointed. So, it FLIPPED the whole model on it's head, and I would come home from school, and I can remember, I'd be like: "Dad, Dad, I tried out for this and I was HORRIBLE." And he'd be like: "WAY TO GO!", and he'd HIGH FIVE me! And, I didn't realize it at the time but he was just, changing my definition of failure. My definition of failure became NOT about the outcome, but about NOT trying. And, so for me going through LIFE, my only failures are when I DIDN'T try it because I was scared.

- unknown

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