Beach Day! | Chapter 17

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"Children! Be careful!" my mom shouted as I and Fri## were playing tag together. We ran around our big green garden whilst dad just chuckled before drinking from his teacup. However, when I was running after Fri##, they tripped on a tree root which was pointing up into the ground. They promptly landed on their face and said "ow". I instantly went to their side and helped them sit up.

"I-It hurts, bro..." Fri## said through tears. I told them to say calm and I kissed where they had grazed their skin. And just like mom and dad's Magic, Fri## was now healed. I smiled at them and they smiled back. "T-Thanks, bro."

"Fri##, please be careful, you can't Regenerate yet." mom said whilst kneeling next to us. She then put Fri## back onto their feet. "Why not invite Julio, Pearl, and Lucy around?" dad suggested to us. I smiled and nodded before closing my eyes and concentrating. I kept telling myself to teleport, and when I opened my eyes I found myself only a few steps away from where I was previously.

"That's wonderful, Y/n! I've never seen a child make such progress! Just keep trying and you'll get it!" mom said to me with a big smile and I smiled back. "What about me...?" Fri## said which made mom look at them. "You know I'll be proud of you, Magician or not. But you don't have to wait long, soon you'll be able to train with Professor Adrian".


I opened my eyes and found myself in the castle in my room. I sat up and rubbed my eyes as I yawned tiredly. I felt a cold breeze go over my chest and I looked down to see I was shirtless.

What-? Oh right, Chara.

I looked down to see Chara was also shirtless and now facing the other way. So I laid back down and wrapped my arms around Chara's waist. She then turned over and snuggled into me with her chest pressed against mine. I smiled and blushed a little before softly pecking Chara on the lips.

Chara: Mmm...

Chara then started to slowly wake up as she yawned. I watched as her eyes fluttered open and she smiled at me.

Chara: Morning, babe...

Y/n: Morning, Princesa.

Chara: Mmm... wanna have some fun?

Y/n: No.

Chara: Hm... ok...

Y/n: How did you sleep?

Chara: Better than any time before.

Y/n: That's good. Any dreams?

Chara: Mmm... no... you?

Y/n:... It was more of a flashback.

Chara: Of what?

Y/n: My past, before the transformation.

Chara: Oh... wanna talk about it?

Y/n: It wasn't bad, it was... nice.

Chara: That's good. What are we doing today?

Y/n: We're going to the beach to hang out with Chris and his girlfriend.

Chara: The guy from the bakery cafe?

Y/n: Mhm, I'm bringing Evan as well.

Chara: A family day out... hehe...

Y/n: I suppose it is.

Chara: What was the dream about?

Y/n: I was in my old house in the garden with Fri-... and when they tripped and hurt themselves I healed them like normal. I even managed to teleport somehow.

The Cosmic Human | Fem!Chara x Male!Reader (Undertale)Where stories live. Discover now