Chapter 5

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Seth's POV
Ring ring ring
"Hello?" I answered the phone.
"Hello, Seth, I here your in the United States. How is it going?" A man with a deep voice answered
I chuckled, "hello, Mr. Martin, sir. yes I am in the United States, but I'm pretty sure you sent me here, sir, with all do respect." It was Mr. Martin my boss.
I could here him laugh into the phone. "Yes, yes I know, I remember that did sent you there didn't I? Yes it has been a very long week. My apologies. So have you found anything yet?" He asked. Thought for a little bit to see if I wanted to tell him the truth or not. If I lie to him and he finds out then I will loose this job, and I like this job, but if I tell him, the truth who knows what they are going to do to Becca.
"Not yet sir," I replied.
"Oh that's a bummer. Alright keep up with the good work then." He said.
"Thank you sir." I replied and hung up.
Before I went to Becca's house again I took a little drive to pass the time. I finally arrive to Becca's house at 9:10. When I walked in I saw her just laying there like when I left. I know that I can always trust fufu to keep someone I love company. Becca looks peaceful when she sleeps.

Unknown POV
"Yes, Mr. Martin, we are keeping an eye on that boy, Seth." I explained.
"Good, he seemed a little suspicious when I called and asked if he found anything. He is hiding something from us, find out what it is and don't disappoint me. If you manage to do that, you can forget coming home, both of you." He said that loud enough for my parter to hear it. We both understood our jobs that were needed to fulfill. We stayed parked across the street of the big house I saw Seth walk into. All we have to do is wait.

Becca's POV

When I woke up from a deep sleep, I saw Seth making breakfast, Homemade muffins. I don't know what astonished me the most, the fact that there is an Australian cutie in my kitchen that can cook, or the fact that I had all of the ingredients for muffins. I walked into the kitchen and he greeted me with a warm hug and a soft kiss on my forehead
"Hello, love, breakfast?" He said.
"Umm, sure." I grabbed a muffin from the muffin tray. "So what's on the agenda for today?" I asked with a bite of muffin in my mouth.
"What do you want to do? Maybe we could go swimming?" He said.
"Sure. I have a pool so we don't need to go to a lake or something." I said taking an other bite of my muffin.
"Sure, what ever makes you happy, love." This time when he said love he actually got me smiling.
"Swim trunks." He said.
"What?" I asked
"Swim trunks, I need swim trunks." He grabs my wrist lightly and steals a bit of my muffin, not in a jerk way, but in a cute kind of way.
"I have some. I know it sounds weird but I used to through a lot of parties and I always had a huge stack of each size just incase someone came without one." He looked at me and laughed. He saw I wasn't laughing.
"Oh your serious, ok I'll go find one I like." He said and started to walk off.
"First door on you left," I said as he walked down the hallway. I don't want him to think I'm weird but for your information, I cleaned ALL of them after EVERY party, just saying. I saw he found one and went into the bathroom next to the closet to get changed. While he got changed and also changed as fast as I could. When I was done, I grabbed a muffin and put a lot of whipped cream on it. I quickly and quietly ran to the bathroom door and hid next to it. Once Seth opened the door I shoved the muffin in his face as a game. Once he removed the whipped cream off his handsome face, he literally swept me off my feet and headed towards the pool room. We were both laughing by the time we got to the end of the hallway. He pushed the door open still holding me. "You know that the rule is that if you ate you have to to wait a half an hour until swimming." I said.
"Yeah but we have the rest of our lives to follow the rules." He stated.
He made sure we were near the deepest part of the pool and dropped me in it.
"You want to know what would make this more memorable?" I asked.
"No, what?" Seth asked. As soon as he asked I pulled him into the pool. That whole entire 5 hours we just splashed around, kissed, and have swimming races. This is the happiest I have ever been. I hope it never ends.

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