9. We Get Into A Bit of A Bind (Ha)

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"Annabeth, this idea is less than stellar, I'll admit."

"Do you have any better ideas then?"

"I mean I can't come up with any worse ones, so this one will have to do."

Annabeth just rolled her eyes and loaded us into a taxi like we actually had money.

Well, I had money, but to use it on a taxi instead of something important like anything else? Never.

Zeus would understand, I'm sure.

"Los Angeles, please." Annabeth told the taxi driver like we actually had money.

"Only three seats," I told them. "Dibs on window seat. Annabeth, sit in Percy's lap."

"What?" Percy stammered. "Why can't she sit in Grover's lap?"

Grover shook his head. "No can do, I have goat legs."

I nodded all sage-like. "He does indeed have goat legs—I've seen them."

"Okay, then why can't she sit in your lap?" Percy asked me.

I just laughed. "That's a real funny joke you said there, Percy. Now never say it again."

Annabeth's face was red. "Why do I have to sit on one of your laps? Why can't one of you sit on mine? Better yet, sit on each other's laps."

The boy glanced at each other.

"Okay fine, I'll sit on Percy's lap then." I said.

"No way," the son of Poseidon quickly said.

"Fine, sit on my lap then you big baby, but I can't promise I won't get attached." I jokingly said.

Percy ended up sitting on Annabeth's lap.

"Los Angeles is 300 miles away," the driver said while chewing his cigar. "You gotta pay up front for that."

"You take casino credit cards?" Annabeth asked him.

"Some of 'em," he shrugged. "Same as credit cards. Gotta swipe 'em first though."

She handed him her LotusCash card. He looked at it skeptically and back to Annabeth.

"Swipe it," she urged.

He just shrugged and swiped the card through. The meter machine began flashing with different lights and shaking slightly. Finally, an infinity symbol appeared next to the dollar sign.

The cigar fell from the driver's mouth and he turned to look back at us. He must've thought we were rich or something.

"Where to in Los Angeles...uh, your highness?" He asked Annabeth.

"Santa Monica Pier," she answered, obviously enjoying the positive attention. "Get us there fast and you can keep the change."

I was about to voice my thoughts on what a waste of unlimited money that was, but the driver put the pedal to the metal and we shot off. I could see Percy trying his best to only hover above Annabeth's lap but was struggling at the speed we were going.

For a split second, I was tempted to switch with the poor guy, but then I remembered how amazingly comfortable my own seat was and immediately shut that down.

Percy then took the time to explain his latest dream. It was, as always, some freaky shit with details I can't exactly remember the best, I just remember him describing some servant referring to the being in the pit as something other than 'my lord,'

"The Silent One?" Annabeth suggested. "The Rich One? Both are names for Hades."

"Maybe," Percy said, but I could tell he wasn't too sure.

Magic In the Air| The Lightning Thief Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now