1. The 5 ground rules

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The 5 a.m. Club offers advice on making your mornings the kickstart you need to attain your most remarkable achievements. Mornings are often a struggle for people. But Robin Sharma believes his formula can help anybody feel inspired and focused early in the morning. He also offers neuroscientific support for approaches that will help you rise far more quickly than the rest of society.

The 5 a.m. Club is a parable about genuine success. The kind of success that will turn you into a hero. Heroism may sound romantic, but anyone can achieve it by embracing discomfort and working on daily habits for self-improvement. The first habit is simply waking up at 5 a.m. and using the first hour of your day to get ahead.

A key feature of your success will be effective preparation. So, Robin Sharma breaks this preparation down into five fundamentals you must consider:

Distractions are the death of creativity. Those who make history and build empires dedicate an hour before dawn to themselves. This time offers them new opportunities that surpass daily challenges. This sets them on the path to an outstanding day.

Genius does not grow on excuses. Even if you have not developed the habit before, you can still establish it now. So don't rationalize, and remember that all it takes is a little bit of effort daily to achieve amazing results.

The first part of any change is complicated, the middle is messy, and the end is beautiful. The things you find simple now were once complex for you. Soon, you will become accustomed to getting up early.

To get to the top 5%, you must start doing what 95% of people are not willing to do. The majority will call you mad as soon as you start living like this. You will pay for excellence by being dubbed a freak.

Keep going even when you want to surrender. Success usually comes to those who are relentless.

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