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"During Korea, the Navy kill ratio was 12-to-1," Jester explains as he turns to face the Top Gun class, after playing a video on the big screen.

"We shot down 12 of their jets for every one of ours. During Vietnam, the ratio fell to 3-to-1." Iceman twirls a pen in his fingers while Sundown smokes a cigarette.

"Our pilots became dependent upon missiles. They had lost some of their dogfighting skills." Maverick and Goose both chew gum as they sit in the front row. "Now Top Gun was created to teach A.C.M. Air Combat Maneuvering. Dogfighting." A woman quietly enters before taking a seat in the back row without being noticed.

"By the end of Vietnam, that ratio was back up to 12-to-1," Jester continues to explain as he paces in front of the class before coming to a stop. "Blinds, please." The window blinds are opened to allow light into the room.

"Now, I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our commanding officer at Top Gun. The very first man to win the Top Gun trophy. You will not find a finer fighter pilot anywhere in the world. Commander Mike Metcalf. Callsign, Viper." The woman and Viper share a nod as he walks past her, seeing as they had just met a few minutes prior.

"You wanted to see me, sir," The woman says as she stands in Viper's office.

"Delta Murphy, call sign Karma," Viper states as he flips through her file with an impressed nod. "A lot of people will be upset that you're here." Karma looks down with a sigh because it has been the same way everywhere she has been stationed. "But they'll have to get over." Karma quickly looks up at Viper in slight shock. "Clearly you have potential to be the best or you wouldn't be here."

"Thank you, sir," Karma says with a nod, not daring to show her smile.

"Just know that you are going to have to fight like hell to prove that you belong here," Viper says as he takes in her cold exterior, no doubt from having to prove herself over and over again. "That is, to everyone else anyways."

"I think I can handle that," Karma says as she allows herself to smirk, causing Viper to lightly chuckle before he leads the way to the meeting room.

"Gentleman," Viper says as he walks to the front where Jester is. "You are the top one percent of all naval aviators." Viper turns to face the pilots. "The elite. The best of the best. We'll make you better." Iceman starts staring at Maverick in a taunting manner.

"You'll fly at least two combat missions a day, attend classes in between, and evaluations of your performance. Now, on each combat sequence, you're gonna meet a different challenge."

Iceman starts twirling his pen again which hits up against his ring, causing Maverick to look back at him before Iceman lightly smirks as he purposely hits the pen on his ring. Karma rolls her eyes as she notices the testosterone match between the two men.

"Every encounter is gonna be much more difficult. We're gonna teach you to fly the F-14 right to the edge of the envelope, faster than you've ever flown before and more dangerous." Viper starts making his way to the back of the room. "Now, we don't make policy here, gentlemen. Elected officials, civilians do that."

Iceman smirks at Maverick, who had looked back to see where Viper was going. Maverick faces back to the front before looking back at Viper over his other shoulder which causes him to raise his eyebrows in surprise as he sees Karma. Maverick taps Goose's shoulder, causing Goose to look back at Karma before looking at Maverick in shock.

"We are instruments of that policy. And although we're not at war, we must always act as though we are at war. The tip of the spear..." Viper continues his explanation. "Best be sharp."

"What are you doing?" Goose asks as he leans over to Maverick, who had made eye contact with Iceman once again.

"I'm just wondering who's the best," Maverick answers Goose with a sly smirk.

"In case some of you wonder who the best is," Viper says as he stares at a plaque on the wall. "They're up here on this plaque on the wall. The best driver and his RIO from each class has his name on it." Viper starts walking back up to the front of the class. "And they have the option to come back here to be Top Gun instructors." Viper quickly turns to face Maverick, in an attempt to catch him off guard. "You think your name's gonna be on that plaque?"

"Yes, sir," Maverick answers him with a slight smirk, causing Iceman and his RIO, Slider, to quietly laugh.

"That's pretty arrogant considering the company you're in," Viper says as he looks around at the class with his look lingering on Karma for a second, causing her to smile at the challenge.

"Yes, sir," Maverick says with a nod which causes Viper to nod, impressed.

"I like that in a pilot," Viper says with a slight smile before slightly pacing. "Just remember, when it's over out there, we're all on the same team. Gentlemen, this school is about combat. There are no points for second place." Maverick smirks. "Dismissed."

"The plaque for the alternates is down in the ladies' room," Iceman taunts as Maverick and Goose walk past him, causing Goose to grab onto Maverick's shoulders as he lets out a loud, sarcastic laugh.

"Oh, Jesus. Oh, you kill me. You really don't," Goose says sarcastically as Iceman stands up, causing Karma to let out a small laugh which has all eyes on her.

"Looks like I'll be able to learn all of your names when I wash my hands," Karma says with a taunting smile as she looks at each of the men.

Maverick smiles at the challenge in her tone before Karma's eyes land on Iceman, who is looking at her confused because he didn't believe that she could be a pilot. Karma winks at Iceman before making her way out of the room with Maverick not far behind her while Goose tries to lighten the mood by joking about his name being on the plaque.

"Hey, wait up," Maverick says as he chases after Karma with a smile on his face. Karma sighs as she realizes that he won't give up before coming to a stop a they reach the parking lot. "What's your name?"

"I'm not interested," Karma says with a smile as she crosses her arms across her chest.

"I can't innocently ask you your name, especially after you just knocked a few men's egos way down?" Maverick asks with a raised eyebrow with his smile growing wider as Karma rolls her eyes.

"You're smooth. I'll give you that," Karma says with a slight laugh before walking over to her bike. "I'll see you around, Mitchell."

Maverick looks at her in shock because of the use of his last name before she takes off, just as the rest of the men walk outside.

"Who was that chick?" Slider asks as they all watch her drive away.

"I don't know," Maverick says with a shrug before he wraps an arm around Goose, so he can whisper in his ear. "But she knew my last name."

Goose rolls his eyes as he motions to Maverick's name tag on his uniform before smacking Maverick across the back of the head, causing Maverick to let out a small embarrassed laugh.

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